Thursday 30 July 2015

Ten Wonderful Ways to Enhance Your Health with Ayurveda

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Ten Wonderful Ways to Enhance Your Health with Ayurveda in Daily life

Ten Wonderful Ways to Enhance Your Health with Ayurveda Wellness Tips

Ayurveda encourages a balanced state of being to support good health. This balanced state includes harmonizing the mind, body and spirit. During this seasonal transition, we want to remind you of techniques you can use to stabilize and strengthen your well-being. The following list of tips can help you get your balance on.Ayurveda, an ancient system of illness prevention and treatment, centres on maintaining mind and body balance through healthy lifestyle practices that combine traditional and complementary medicine.

1.Oiling your body

Massaging oil into your body brings immediate benefits: it not only improves the texture of your skin and brings a healthy glow, but improves your sleep and reduces vata dosha in your system. Allowing vata dosha to accumulate can lead to mental agitation. Vata dosha has qualities that are rough, dry, light, mobile and cool, so an application of warm oil works as an antidote to all these qualities.

The best time to oil yourself is in the morning before bathing or showering. Because it’s light, slightly heating and penetrates well, sesame oil is good for general use for everyone. Apply oil in the direction of the growth of the hairs on your body to prevent friction. Then shower or bathe in warm water to allow your pores to open and the oil to penetrate more effectively.

2.Drinking hot water

Due to keeping an irregular schedule, eating inappropriate food and dealing with the general stress of everyday life, something called ama accumulates in your body. Ama translates as ‘undigested food juice’, and it floats around your bloodstream looking for places to lodge and start the disease process.

The qualities of ama are heaviness, cold, dampness and dullness; hot water, with its opposite properties, helps to allay the production of ama in the digestive system.

Boil water for ten minutes, decant into a flask to keep it warm, and sip it about every half an hour throughout the day. (Heating makes the water lighter in quality.) You can put a couple of slices of ginger in it to improve the effect. Check your tongue throughout the day and you’ll see it getting cleaner – meaning that it’s pink and doesn’t have any coating on it.

3.Saluting the sun

Staying flexible is the key to health in the long run, and performing the yoga sun salutepromotes a full range of movement in most of your joints. It keeps your synovial fluid circulating in your joints and helps to allay stiffness and arthritis. Yoga treats your tissues to a wash of fresh blood, lymph and prana, the vital energy force.

Perhaps the greatest benefit to you though, is that performing the sun salute is a super stress buster. Your breath moves with your body in rhythmic tandem, so that your body and mind become realigned.

If you, like many people, sit at a desk all day, it’s so easy to forget that you even have a body. Almost while you’re not looking, poor posture sets in and your breathing becomes distorted. So try three rounds of the sun salutation twice daily in the morning and evening and notice how well you feel afterwards.

Eating warm fresh food

Stress in your life leads to an increase in adrenalin, which in turn shuts down the digestive system. Warm cooked food needs less digesting. A meal of warm foods, slightly on the oily side, makes you feel satisfied with what you eat, and you’re more likely to fully digest it.

Try to cook something fresh every day. Fresh flavours alone are so much more satisfying than processed foods. Commercial products are laced with salt, sugar and preservatives, as well as being old and not giving you the vital prana you need to tackle your daily life.

Microwave ovens are bad news: they take the moisture out of food and increase the rough qualities that aggravate vata in your body. Heat your food on a hob or in a traditional or convection oven.

Getting good sleep

Deep, regular sleep is one of the main pillars of health in Ayurveda, and you need to be protective of your sleep time. Ayurveda says that abuse of the senses leads to disease, and a good rest lets the senses switch off and regenerate.

Obviously, how much sleep you need varies with age. Babies sleep most of the day, and the elderly generally sleep for five to six hours per night. If you have to catch up on your sleep, it’s far better to do this before midnight rather than sleeping late into the morning.

Meditating for mental health

There are many ways to meditate. The important thing isn’t how you do it, but that you do it. Start with 20 minutes of meditation twice daily, and once you make the commitment, events will conspire to help you.

Meditation gives your mind much-needed nourishment when you just switch off – it’s a deeper relaxation than sleeping even. Over time, you’ll notice that you’re able to make better choices and more easily ward off the effects of stress. It’s said that through meditation, both left and right hemispheres of the brain begin to work synchronously, creating a calmer, happier you.

Taking triphala

What meditation does for you on the mental level, triphala can do on the physical. This herb is held in high esteem in the Ayurvedic scriptures for its rejuvenating properties. You can use it for many purposes, but it’s most widely used to keep the colon cleansed and toned.

Triphala is available as a tincture and in powder and tablet form; the powder form is best, because it’s been messed about with the least and the potency is better.

Triphala improves immunity, slows the ageing process, improves mental faculties and serves all the different tissues of the body. It’s very safe and quite economical. Having triphala powder in the house is useful for cleansing the teeth and treating bleeding gums. Rinsing your hair with a triphala decoction adds lustre and prevents greying.

Get into the habit (particularly between seasons) of taking half a teaspoon in a cup of warm water before bed – you can add honey if you want.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvdic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
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ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

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Wednesday 29 July 2015

7 Ayurvedic Wellness Tips that Support Your Healthy Lifestyle

 Ayurvedic Wellness centre in jaipur
Ayurvedic Wellness Tips in Daily life

Ayurvedic Wellness Tips

Ayurveda encourages a balanced state of being to support good health. This balanced state includes harmonizing the mind, body and spirit. During this seasonal transition, we want to remind you of techniques you can use to stabilize and strengthen your well-being. The following list of tips can help you get your balance on.

1. Cultivate a Positive attitude:

You cannot choose your experiences in your everyday life, whether it is a traffic jam or a rainbow. But, you can always cultivate an attitude of looking at the brighter side of things and not ingest the toxicity of any experience. It will make you a Sattvik person who is kind, forgiving and resilient to good and bad times.

2. Align yourself with Nature:

Natural biorhythms are constantly affecting our mind and body. Our conscious efforts to follow daily routine and seasonal routine will help us prevent any imbalance. Mother Nature is a true reservoir of Energy, and there is no reason for us to feel tired and fatigued. Connecting with vibrant elements of Nature dispels depression and fills our life with hope, joy and abundant positive energy.

3. Sensory Regulation:

Don’t let your senses take you for a wild ride. According to ayurveda sensory overuses and abuse is the first stage to create any imbalance and disease. It weakens your Mind and makes you prone of recurring mistakes of intellect (pragya-aparadha). Regulating sensory cravings will create a stable intellect, which is most important for making life-nourishing decisions. A daily practice of Meditation will help you achieve the rather effortlessly.

4. Detoxify:

Get the Ama out. We are like a colorful tapestry woven together of our environment and our senses, along with our body, mind and spirit. As a human being we are a network of energy and information in another vast ocean of energy and information. Keeping the bodies clean is the first step towards feeling vital and energetic.

5. Keep all the Moving parts Moving:

Transformation and change is constant in the body. Physical exercise and movement will improve circulation aid in detoxification and will cultivate a feeling of lightness and stability. The medical research says, “Aging Heart leads to an aging Brain”. Daily exercise alone is one of the most powerful anti aging activities that connect your heart and brain.

6.Nourish yourself with Good Food:

Eat foods that are filled with Prana, Chi, Mana or life energy. Foods that are made in and made by Mother Nature. Foods those are clean, non-GMO and organic. We never overeat true natural foods and they are abundant in nutritional elements that are fully bio available.

7. Rasayana:

Favor rejuvenating foods, herbs and herbal food supplement. Herbs like Amalaki, Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Bramhi have a powerful effect on our body and mind together.

Ayurveda is a philosophy of life and it teaches us how to maintain balance amidst change. Vitality is often co related with Ojas, which is the collective essence of all the seven tissues and is responsible for radiant health. Respecting our Agni(digestive fires), building ojas and cultivating a spiritual outlook are the keys for a Vital Life.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvdic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
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ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

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Monday 27 July 2015

Health benefits of yoga

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Health benefits of yoga in Daily life


For Centuries “Yoga” the Ancient Mind, Body Practice as been proved That it can do More Than Just Keep You Fit and Flexible. In Fact Regular Twisting your Body on a Sticker mat will yield Incredible Health Benefits staving off insomnia extra pounds even heart Disease.


Yoga increases the range of motion on your hips, which can reduce lower-back pain. People suffering diagnosis before embracing yoga, because both backbends and forward bends can exacerbate some back conditions Pose Rx: pigeon, bhujangasana, aroha kadi chakrasana etc.

Heart health

Practicing yoga for an hour and a half there times a week, how well heart healthier in just slx weeks, how well the blood vessels dilate is a good indication of how healthy the heart is, this effect is due to the stress reducing benefits of yoga.

Pose Rx, Legs –up-the-wall sit with right hip against a wall. Lie back and turn to swing legs up the wall. Allow your chest to gently stretch, increasing the flow oxygen to your heart extend your legs toward the ceiling, keeping them slightly separated hold for five minutes, breathing deeply.

Weight control

Helps in yoga, indeed, shedding weight gradually along, with body toning. Yoga helps in maintding the health & fitness pose Rx. Surya namaskara, seated spinal twist etc.Twisting can aid digestion by helping the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste.


Yoga can claim the whirling of the mind, which is helpful for insomniacs who often have elevated levels of mental and emotional arousal. Half hour 45 minutes of paily yoga practice emphasizing meditation and breathing helped chronic insomniacs sleep through the night.

Pose Rx. Goddess Pose

Sit on the floor with soles of feet pressed together, knees out of the sides, place two pillows on the floor at the base of your spine and lie back. If your knees don’t touch the floor, prop them up with pillows. Close your eyes and rest palms on your belly. Focus on the rise and fall of your breath for five minutes. This stimulates the vagus nerve, calming the nervous system.

Anxiety and depression

Yogic breathing techniques are powerful tools for alleviating serious anxiety and depression and neutralizing the negative effects of stress. That’s because yogic breathing can cower the heart rate and calm the nerous system.

Rose Rx.

Headstand against the wall come onto your knees facing a wall interlaces your fingers, and places the qnuckles against the base place your forearms on floor,ecbows shoulpernidth apart. Rest crown of head between wrists, tuck toes, and lift hips towards celling. Place one foot at a time against the wall and keep thighs together, breathing draw knees towards chest and pose lower feet. Breathing deeply is this pose increases blood flow to the brain and stimulates the pituitary gland, which can relieve mild depression.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvdic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

Book your Apointment at:

Saturday 25 July 2015



Health Benefits of Versatile Fruits

Apples. Pears, pomegranates and persimmons are high in fibre and low in calories, so they are guilt –free way to satisfy your hunger & sweet tooth


Apples are high in phenolic acids and falconoid compounds- phytonutrents that may protect against cell and dna damage research into apple phytonutrients such as phenols and falconoid quercefin and the laboratory, these health promoting compounds have been found to inhibit growth of lower cholesterol.

Although supplements touting fruit extracts are available the real thing is still your best bet apple peels contain the majority of phytonutrients compared to the flesh, and peels add an extra boost of fibre. While storage doesn’t affect the levels of most phytonutrients processing does, if whole fruit isn’t an option, cloudly higher amount of phytonutrients than clear apple juice .


Although pears are lower in phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals than apples, they are similarly high infibre and low in calories 100 calolies for a medium sized pear


Pomegranates are garnering attention these unique fruits contain hundreds of unique fruits contain hundreds of juicy seeds called arils with in a thick red skin.Once peeled, the level like arils can be eaten fresh or pressed for juice Pomegranates are high in ellagic acid, a polyphenol that acts as an antioxidant in the body may protect heart disease.


Persimmons ( halwa tendu /kaki )are high in carotenoids.Carotenoids are best known for promoting eye health as in carrots but also help to regulate the immune system and gight free radicals in the body Fruit such as apples, as well as some vegetables including potatoes, turn brown when their fleash is exposed to air for much the some reason iron turns rusty oxidation. When you feel or cut open an apple or the fruit gets brused a family of enzymes called polyphenol oxidizes (also called tyrosinases) in the cells is exposed to oxygen. The enzymes then cause other compounds in the fruit to combine with oxgen from the air, tuning the exposed surface brown.

Although “brown” fruit is safe to eat you can prevent this unsightly reaction by minimizing exposure to air (keeping cut pieces submerged in water, for instance ) or spritzingh with lemon juice or ( vitamin c )

It’s not just fruit that tyrosinases turn brown; by the way the enzymes also regulate the effect of the pigment melanin in human skin, so they’re essential to skin coloration as well as tanning. Defects in the function of these enzymes leap to albinism.

Ayurveda Hospital In Jaipur

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<a href="">Sunrise Ayurveda hospital in Jaipur</a>

Ayurveda treatment in Jaipur

Introduction of Ayurvedic

Ayurveda is a simple, practical science of life, the principles and practices of which evolved through many centuries. Ayurvedic science is based on eternal wisdom of people who acquired the knowledge from experience and meditation. Ayurvedic system is applicable universally to all those seeking harmony and peace.

More than a medical system, Ayurveda is a way of life, a way of cooperating with Nature and living in harmony with nature. Health in Ayurveda means harmony, and there is really no end to the degree of harmony can achieve if you set yourself to the task.

Panchakarma Treatment in Jaipur

Panchakarma is Ayurveda's primary purification and detoxification treatment. Panchakarma means "five therapies". These 5 therapeutic treatments eliminate toxins from the body, they are : Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamoskshana. The series of these five therapies help remove deep rooted stress and illness-causing toxins from the body while balancing the doshas (energies that govern all biological functions).

Ayurvedic Diet in Jaipur

Our diet is an essential factor for the formation of our body. It is clearly mentioned in 'Charak Samhita' that consuming improper diet in improper way is the main cause of 'Disease'. According to 'Charak ,"An appropriate and suitable diet in a disease is equivalent to hundred drugs and any quantity of drug hardly compares to good results in disease without following proper dietetic regimen".

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvdic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in ayurvedic treatment, ayurveda panchakarma treatment,ayurvedic therapies,panchakarma treatment, Yoga Meditation Retreatand many more.

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