Monday 27 July 2015

Health benefits of yoga

yoga centre in jaipur
Health benefits of yoga in Daily life


For Centuries “Yoga” the Ancient Mind, Body Practice as been proved That it can do More Than Just Keep You Fit and Flexible. In Fact Regular Twisting your Body on a Sticker mat will yield Incredible Health Benefits staving off insomnia extra pounds even heart Disease.


Yoga increases the range of motion on your hips, which can reduce lower-back pain. People suffering diagnosis before embracing yoga, because both backbends and forward bends can exacerbate some back conditions Pose Rx: pigeon, bhujangasana, aroha kadi chakrasana etc.

Heart health

Practicing yoga for an hour and a half there times a week, how well heart healthier in just slx weeks, how well the blood vessels dilate is a good indication of how healthy the heart is, this effect is due to the stress reducing benefits of yoga.

Pose Rx, Legs –up-the-wall sit with right hip against a wall. Lie back and turn to swing legs up the wall. Allow your chest to gently stretch, increasing the flow oxygen to your heart extend your legs toward the ceiling, keeping them slightly separated hold for five minutes, breathing deeply.

Weight control

Helps in yoga, indeed, shedding weight gradually along, with body toning. Yoga helps in maintding the health & fitness pose Rx. Surya namaskara, seated spinal twist etc.Twisting can aid digestion by helping the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste.


Yoga can claim the whirling of the mind, which is helpful for insomniacs who often have elevated levels of mental and emotional arousal. Half hour 45 minutes of paily yoga practice emphasizing meditation and breathing helped chronic insomniacs sleep through the night.

Pose Rx. Goddess Pose

Sit on the floor with soles of feet pressed together, knees out of the sides, place two pillows on the floor at the base of your spine and lie back. If your knees don’t touch the floor, prop them up with pillows. Close your eyes and rest palms on your belly. Focus on the rise and fall of your breath for five minutes. This stimulates the vagus nerve, calming the nervous system.

Anxiety and depression

Yogic breathing techniques are powerful tools for alleviating serious anxiety and depression and neutralizing the negative effects of stress. That’s because yogic breathing can cower the heart rate and calm the nerous system.

Rose Rx.

Headstand against the wall come onto your knees facing a wall interlaces your fingers, and places the qnuckles against the base place your forearms on floor,ecbows shoulpernidth apart. Rest crown of head between wrists, tuck toes, and lift hips towards celling. Place one foot at a time against the wall and keep thighs together, breathing draw knees towards chest and pose lower feet. Breathing deeply is this pose increases blood flow to the brain and stimulates the pituitary gland, which can relieve mild depression.

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