Friday 2 October 2015

10 amazing health benefits of kadi patta

health benefits of kadi patta
amazing health benefits of curry leaves

Ayurvedic health benefits of kadi patta or curry leaves

Curry leaves, known as kadi patta in hindi, is one of the common seasoning ingredients that is added to almost every dish to enhance its taste and flavour. However, rather than eating this humble leaf (which is slightly bitter in taste), most of us just throw it away. But have you ever wondered if you have to throw this leaf then why did our mothers (even our ancestors) use this leaf to every food preparation.

Well, it is because; kadi patta is packed with numerous nutrients that are actually good for you. Right from helping your heart to function in a better way to enlivening your hair and skin with vitality, it is loaded with health benefits. Here are some of them.

1. Helps keep anaemia at bay

Kadi patta or curry leaves are a rich source of iron and folic acid. Interestingly, anaemia is not only about the lack of iron in your body but also about the body’s inability to absorb iron and use it. This is where folic acid comes into play. Folic acid is mainly responsible for iron absorption and since kadi patta is a rich source of both the compounds it is your one-stop natural remedy to beat anaemia. Here is how eating beetroot can help fight anemia.

2. Protects your liver from damage

If you are a heavy drinker, eat a lot of fish or indulge in other activities that could be damaging your liver, then you must eat curry leaves. This is because, according to a study published in Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, curry leaves were protect your liver from oxidative stress and harmful toxins that build-up in your body due to the presence of kaempferol, a potent antioxidant. The highly effective anti-oxidative property when combined with vitamin A and C not only protects the liver but also stimulates the organ to work more efficiently.

3. Maintains your blood sugar levels

A study published in the Journal of Plant food for Nutrition[2], found that curry leaves lower your blood sugar levels by affecting the insulin activity. Apart from this, the presence of fiber in the leaves plays a significant role in controlling your blood sugar levels. Additionally, kadi patta is known to improve digestion and alter the way your body absorbs fat, thereby helping you lose weight. This is particularly of significance for people who are obese and suffer from diabetes. Read about expert tips to follow a diabetic diet

4. Protects you from heart disease

Did you know that curry leaves have properties that can help in lowering one’s blood cholesterol levels? Well, as per a study published in the Journal of Chinese Medicine [3], curry leaves prevent the oxidation of cholesterol as it is packed with antioxidants. This in turn increases the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) and protects you from heart disease and atherosclerosis.

5. Helps with digestion

Curry leaves are known to be carminative in nature and thus, is highly effective against indigestion. Once ingested, it helps in the digestion process along with aiding in excretion. In Ayurveda, it is believed that kadi patta has mild laxative properties that not only help the stomach get rid of unwanted waste and ‘ama’ (or toxic waste) and balances out the pitta levels in the body. Do you have digestion problem? Avoid these difficult to digest foods.

6. Relieves the symptoms of diarrhoea

Even though curry leaves have mild laxative properties, it is a great remedy for diarrhoea. This is because kadi patta contains carbazole alkaloid that posses anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which in turn help in combating an upset stomach. Apart from that, curry leaves are also known to balance out all the three doshas in the body and reduce the amount of pitta in the stomach – a side effect of diarrhoea according to Ayurveda.

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