Tuesday 17 November 2015



Coffee: Health Benefits, Nutritional Information

More and more research is emerging to suggest that there may be several health benefits associated with drinking this dark black beverage, from helping prevent diabetes to lowering the risk of liver disease. The consumption of coffee goes back centuries.

In 17th century England the popularity of the drink gave rise to a number of coffee houses which were dubbed 'penny universities', because with one penny a person could buy a cup of coffee and have intellectually stimulating conversations with other people.

The potential health benefits associated with drinking coffee include: protecting against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver disease, liver cancer, and promoting a healthy heart.

Coffee and diabetes

Coffee may be protective against type 2 diabetes. Researchers at UCLA identified that drinking coffee increases plasma levels of the protein sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG controls the biological activity of the body's sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) which play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.

Coffee: Health Benefits, Nutritional Information Last updated: Tuesday 17 November 2015 592 Like6.0k Nutrition / Diet add your opinionemail Knowledge center A cup of coffee in the morning may pack more than just an energy boost. More and more research is emerging to suggest that there may be several health benefits associated with drinking this dark black beverage, from helping prevent diabetes to lowering the risk of liver disease. The consumption of coffee goes back centuries. In 17th century England the popularity of the drink gave rise to a number of coffee houses which were dubbed 'penny universities', because with one penny a person could buy a cup of coffee and have intellectually stimulating conversations with other people.1 Nowadays, with over 400 billion cups consumed every year, coffee is one of the world's most popular drinks. But what makes it special? Possible health benefits of coffee The potential health benefits associated with drinking coffee include: protecting against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver disease, liver cancer, and promoting a healthy heart.3 1) Coffee and diabetes A splash of coffee Coffee may be protective against type 2 diabetes. Researchers at UCLA identified that drinking coffee increases plasma levels of the protein sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG controls the biological activity of the body's sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) which play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.4 Dr. Simin Liu, one of the authors of the study, said that an "inverse association" exists between coffee consumption and risk for type 2 diabetes. Increased coffee consumption may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes - the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers gathered data from three studies. In these studies, the diets of the participants were evaluated using questionnaires every 4 years, with participants who reported having type 2 diabetes filling out additional questionnaires. In total, 7,269 study participants had type 2 diabetes.

Coffee and Parkinson's disease

Researchers in the U.S. carried out a study that assessed the link between coffee consumption and Parkinson's disease risk. The authors of the study concluded that "higher coffee and caffeine intake is associated with a significantly lower incidence of Parkinson's disease".

In addition, caffeine in coffee may help control movement in people suffering from Parkinson's, according to a study conducted at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI MUHC) that was published in the journal Neurology.

Coffee and liver cancer

Italian researchers found that coffee consumption lowers the risk of liver cancer by about 40%. In addition, some of the results suggest that if you drink three cups a day, the risks are reduced by more than 50%.

Coffee and liver disease

Regular consumption of coffee is linked to a reduced risk of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a rare autoimmune disease of the bile ducts in the liver. In addition, coffee consumption can lower the incidence of cirrhosis of the liver for alcohol drinkers by 22%, according to a study at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program, California, USA.

Coffee and heart health

Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Harvard School of Public Health, concluded that drinking coffee in moderation protects against heart failure. They defined 'in moderation' as 2 European cups (equivalent to two 8-ounce American servings) per day.

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Monday 16 November 2015

Health Benefits Of Dates Or Chhuhara

Health Benefits Of Dates Or Chhuhara
Health Benefits Of Chhuhara

Health Benefits Of Chhuhara in winters

The entire date tree is very useful. All its parts are used in some form or the other.Dates are used as food. They may be consumed as they are or may be stuffed with almonds, walnuts, cream cheese, lemon peel etc. They can also be chopped and added to a variety of dishes. Date nut bread is a popular type of cake. Dates are also processed into spreads, syrups, paste, cubes, powder, vinegar etc.

The date palm is tapped for palm wine, jaggery and palm syrup. The young leaves are cooked as a vegetable. The flowers are also edible. Finely ground seeds are used to make bread by mixing it with flour.

Date seeds are also used as animal feed. The leaves find use in making huts, mats, baskets, fans etc. Date seed oil is used in soaps and cosmetics. The leaf sheaths are used for making ropes, rough cloth, hats etc. The fruit stalk is used as fuel.

Nutritional Benefits Of Dates

Dates are easily digestible and since they contain simple sugars, they provide instant energy. They are rich in dietary fiber and tannins. They also contain antioxidants beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.
They are an excellent source of sulphur, phosphorus, iron, are rich in potassium, calcium, manganese, copper and magnesium.
They have decent amounts of B Complex vitamins and Vitamin K.

Health Benefits Of Dates

Dates can help get rid of alcohol intoxication. Just drink water in which dates have been previously soaked for few hours.
Dates work as an aphrodisiac. Soak 8 to 10 dates in goat milk at night. Next morning blend them together in the milk. Add a tsp honey and a pinch of cardamom powder and drink.
Dates alleviate depression and also enrich breast milk. Therefore they should on the list of healthy foods for lactating mothers.
Dates are useful for pregnant women as well as they strengthen the uterine walls. They aid in easy delivery and reduce bleeding too.
A paste made of honey and dates is useful in controlling diarrhea and dysentery in children.
Dates counter body weakness. eating 7 dates will provide about 70 mg calcium, 35 mg phosphorus and 7 mg iron.
2 dates given to children at night to eat for some days will stop their habit of bed wetting.
In old people who have frequent urges of urinating eating 2 dates daily or 1 date at night with milk will benefit by reducing this frequency.
For voice that has gone hoarse, at bedtime eat 1 date that has been boiled in milk and then drink this milk. Ensure that you do not drink water for 2 hours after this. It makes the voice clear.
Dates are useful in relieving respiratory distress. As they are hot in nature they bring out phlegm and are beneficial to the chest and lungs. Boil 2 to 3 dates in milk till they are soft.. Eat the dates and drink the milk.
Dates and milk help to increase weight. Soak 2 dates in milk. blend when soft. Drink this milk to increase weight and strength.
The seeds of dates cure styes. Grind the seed of 1 date with water and apply on the affected spot 2 to 3 times daily.
For headache relied, grind 1 date seed with water and apply it on the forehead for relief.
Taking 2 dates everyday is beneficial in breaking kidney stone as well as relieving one of backache as well.

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Book your Appointment at:http://sunrisenaturopathy.com/Ayurvedic.html

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Health Benefits of Black Raisins (Munakka)

Health Benefits of Black Raisins (Munakka)
Health Benefits of Munakka

Health Benefits of Eating Black Raisins (Munakka) in winters

Munakka is a dried form of grapes. The benefits of munakka are countless. It is an excellent home remedy for most of the diseases. If you have been consuming a lot of meat, oily meals, alcohol, and overeating, then black raisins or munakkas are the answer. Excessive consumption of high-fat food leads to acidosis, a condition in which the acidity of the body fluid in abnormally high.

Black raisins are highly alkaline and help restore normal functioning in the body. Therefore, if you are suffering from acidity due to wrong eating habits, then 25-30 black raisins taken in the evening or early morning would help you feel better. It is a better option than taking antacids as apart from their alkaline nature, they also contain easily assailable iron. For those of you who are anemic, black raisins are a natural answer. For increasing your strength and stamina, mix 25 gm of raisins in milk and consume daily.

1.Dry fruits are your anticancer militant

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away, we all are apprised of this saying, but An dried apple and apricots a day keeps cancer away. Apples and apricots consist of phytonutrients (naturally occurring component of plants that provide nutrition) that act as antioxidants and are also a good source of fibre, ridding the body of cancer causing agents. They also contain vitamin A, C and Iron.

Here are a few health benefits of munakka:

• Munakka is rich in iron. It raises the hemoglobin content in the blood and is an excellent remedy for people with anemia. Munakka also helps to treat other diseases of the blood that are caused by chronic fevers and inflammation.

• One of the other benefits of munakka is its ability to give relief to the body from fatigue. If you are feeling tired due to malnutrition, excess workload, or old age, then mix a few munakkas in milk and consume it every day. As it is rich in vitamin-B complex and protein, munakka strengthens the immune system.

• It is an excellent remedy for constipation. Munakka eases the stool passage as it contains malic acid. How to eat munakka for constipation? All you need to do is boil ten munakkas in milk. Eat it and drink the milk.

• One of the other health benefits of munakka is that it purifies the blood. How to eat munakka for blood purification? Soak 20 pieces in water overnight. Grind and mix it in one cup of water and consume it daily.

Looking for more fibre to turn Superman or Spider Man?

• Munakka is rich in calcium and best for providing boron, which is good for teeth health.

• If you have fever and cold, then it is an excellent medicine. How to eat munakka for curing fever and cold? Peel away the skin of five almonds; take ten munakkas and ten black peppers. Grind everything together and mix it with 25 gm of butter. Consume the mixture in the night before going to bed.

• Munakka also works as a natural sexual booster as it increases blood and semen.

• Munakka health benefits do not end here. It even controls the desire for drinking alcohol. Whenever you feel like having alcohol, just chew a few munakkas and it will help. Liquor weakens the neurons; however, munakka nourishes them. The desire to have alcohol will gradually go away if you regularly eat munakka.

You might have got a clear idea of what is munakka and how to use it after reading this article. The sweet taste of munakkas makes it easy to consume for all. Make them a part of your daily routine to strengthen your immunity and fight diseases.

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Book your Appointment at:http://sunrisenaturopathy.com/Ayurvedic.html

Saturday 7 November 2015

Health Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits

Health Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits
Health Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits

10 Health Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits

Traditionally dry fruits were dried either by sun-dried method or by dehydration using wind tunnels. Dry fruits have a long history of food safety. Dry fruits are actually dried form of fresh fruits or Dry fruits can be simply explained as fresh fruits with water removed or dehydrated to retain the pulp of the fruit. Dehydration of fresh fruits eventually, causes some of the essential nutrients to become more concentrated,and also changes overall look of fruits.Dry fruits also provide stamina before exercise, thereby are often recommended by fitness experts, that before hitting the gym,he/she should munch on a handful of nuts and almonds, as the nuts help in increasing metabolic rates. If one is on a diet, Dry fruits can be opted as a great source of energy and fibre,but should be eaten in moderation as they contain significantly more calories per serving than fresh fruits offer. Dry fruits without additives offer various health benefits.

Antioxidants in dry cranberries, grapes/raisins, and plums are twice as potent and full of minerals as compared to fresh fruits. But one should watch for added sweeteners (sugar, corn syrup), cherries, plums and cranberries, are available in the market with added sugar. Also, on the ingredient list: Only the fruit should be listed and packages labelled as no sulphites(a kind of preservative that maintains colour). The cracking thing about Dry fruits are that, they don’t contain fat, cholesterol, or sodium. Dry fruits are perfect for long trips and especially for students as they need energy to revitalize them any movement.

1.Dry fruits are your anticancer militant

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away, we all are apprised of this saying, but An dried apple and apricots a day keeps cancer away. Apples and apricots consist of phytonutrients (naturally occurring component of plants that provide nutrition) that act as antioxidants and are also a good source of fibre, ridding the body of cancer causing agents. They also contain vitamin A, C and Iron.

2.Want beautiful, healthy skin?

Our skin is the most integral part of our immune system, and all we need is it should look glossy, fresh and moisturised all the time. So, the king of fruits is here to help you Mango is a beautiful fruit to enrich the growth of hair, and is a good source of carbohydrates but dry Mango is rich in a variety of phytonutrients, vitamins A, C and E, as well as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which are necessary for healthy skin and the immune health. It enhances skin life as well.

Raisins keep our skin healthy as they contain Resveratrol, an antioxidant that slows down skin ageing. Walnuts, nourish dry skin and improve its texture, if used in the form of oil, walnut oil consists of linoleic acid, which helps in preventing wrinkles and fine lines. Almonds are effective in treating acne. This dry fruit is used in face packs as well.

Cashew nuts when eaten in limits help in improving health of skin. Cashew nut oil, is used in a number of cosmetics. It helps to reduce tan and prevents skin damage, and also helps protect and recover cracked heels, thereby nourishing them. Cashew nuts are rich in Vitamin E and consist anti-ageing properties, which is fruitful for skin.

3.Potassium is vital.

While fresh apricots and plums are rich in potassium, dry apricots and prunes contain even higher amounts of potassium. Sodium+Potassium regulate the balance of intracellular and extracellular water levels. Potassium is also necessary for maintaining healthy blood pressure and the insufficient intake or if the body fails to get the required amount of potassium it leads to an increased risk of hypertension.

Looking for more fibre to turn Superman or Spider Man?

Fibre aids digestion, helps prevent constipation, and Dry fruits like cherry and Fig are a rich source of fibre and should be included in the daily diet. Cherries are also called the “antioxidant super fruit”, they have higher levels of antioxidants, in addition to important nutrients like beta-carotene, folic acid and fibre.Fig are highly rich in iron, folic acid and potassium.

Iron content can be increased in your body.

Dry prunes and apricots are a significant source of iron. A handful of prunes and apricot help in preventing anaemia, as they are a good source of Iron.Raisins are also a rich source of potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and iron and they promote blood circulation. They are often recommended by doctors for anaemia patients.

Get rid of those irritating Fats and Calories Dry fruits contain no fat at all.

They also consist of significant calories per serving. If one is on weight loss regime, he/she may want to limit intake of calorie content foods. But dry fruit can be a tasty treat as well help in reducing weight as a handful of Dry fruits, curd/milk and cornflakes make for a healthy diet and due to the high fibre content they keep you full throughout the day.

Treat your body, and help your organs, give your heart the HEARTBEAT.

Nuts are considered one of the best plant sources of protein. They are rich in fibre, phytonutrients and antioxidants such as Vitamin E .Nuts are also high in plant sterols and fat – but mostly mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (omega 3 – the good fats) which helps in curbing cholesterol level. Many people carry the myths that nuts help in increasing weight, but if taken in limited quantities nuts prove to be excellent sources of protein, minerals, and other nutrients, and are good for the healthy heart.Eating nuts lower the risk of heart disease.

Migraine can be treated too, just you have to eat Cashews.

Yes you read this right if you want to get rid of migraine or want relief from it eating Cashews can help you in decreasing the level of pain. The Cashew nut’s high magnesium content which also against high blood pressure, muscle spasms, migraine headaches, tension, soreness and fatigue. Magnesium also works with calcium to support healthy muscles and bones in the human body. It also helps promote normal sleep patterns in menopausal women.

Tip for thick hair and great brain.

Almonds consist of essential fatty acids, fibres and proteins. Apply the mixture on your face to remove dead cells and dirt. For hair, almond oil to help to add lustre and shine to dull hair. Almonds improve haemoglobin and help in promoting blood circulation. They also reduce cholesterol and help in preventing of lung and breast cancer. Raisins are another phenomenal part of Dry fruits family, they help in protecting teeth as they prevent tooth decay and keep cavities at a distance. They take care of our eyes as well as they are also a good source of Vitamin A and protect our eyes from vision problems.

Pack your body with needed vitamins and minerals.

Copper, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and B6 are an essential part of the government that rules our body and Pistachios are considered to be the source of this government, meaning Pistachios are rich in copper, phosphorous, magnesium and B6 all action packed in one nut. The nuts deliver 30 vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Pistachios also contain higher amounts of fibre and excellent source of vegetable protein also. Oxidative stresses are extremely harmful for humans and this stress cause damage to the human body, resulting in diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Dietary antioxidants help to reduce this damage. Pistachios contain phenolic compounds, which is considered for the antioxidant capability of certain foods.

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Book your Appointment at:http://sunrisenaturopathy.com/Ayurvedic.html

Friday 6 November 2015


Health Benefits of Dates


Groundnuts, also known as peanuts, are considered a very healthy snack. Although small in size it plays a vital nutritional role and contains amazing health benefits.

The health benefits includes:

1.Helps Promote Fertility (Folate) Peanuts contain a good amount of folate. Repeated studies have shown that women who had a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid before and during early pregnancy reduced their risk of having a baby born with a serious neural tube defect by up to 70%.
2.Helps Fight Depression (Tryptophan) Peanuts are good sources of tryptophan, an essential amino acid which is important for the production of serotonin, one of the key brain chemicals involved in mood regulation. When depression occurs, a decreased amount of serotonin may be released from the nerve cells in the brain. Tryptophan may raise serotonin’s antidepressant effects when there is an increased amount of serotonin in the blood.
3.Boosts Memory Power (Vitamin B3) Do you know what can be found in peanuts that gave them the “brain food” tag? This is due to their vitamin B3 or niacin content whose many health benefits include normal brain functioning and boosting memory power.
4.Aids in Blood Sugar Regulation (Manganese) One fourth cup of peanuts can supply the body with 35% of the DV of manganese, a mineral which plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation.
5.Cancer Protection A form of phytosterol called beta-sitoserol (SIT) is found in high concentrations in some plant oils, seeds, and legumes including peanuts. Phytosterols not only protects against cardiovascular disease by interfering with the absorption of cholesterol, they also protect against cancer by inhibiting tumor growth.

6.Helps Prevent Gallstones It may come as a surprise that peanuts can help prevent gallstones. But 20 years of studies have shown that eating 1 ounce of nuts, peanuts or peanut butter a week lowers the risk of developing gallstones by 25%.
7.Boosts Memory Power (Vitamin B3) Do you know what can be found in peanuts that gave them the “brain food” tag? This is due to their vitamin B3 or niacin content whose many health benefits include normal brain functioning and boosting memory power.
8.Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels (Copper) The same nutrient which gives peanuts their memory enhancing power also helps lower and control cholesterol levels. Added to that is their copper contents which aids in reducing bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels.
9.Lowers Risk of Heart Disease Numerous studies have shown that regular nuts consumption is linked to reduced risk of heart disease. Peanuts are rich in heart-friendly monounsaturated fats and antioxidants such as oleic acid. So take a handful of peanuts and other nuts at least four times a week to reduce your risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease.
10.Lowers Risk of Weight Gain Eating nuts regularly is associated with a lowered risk of weight gain. Research has shown that people who eat nuts at least twice weekly are much less likely to gain weight than those who almost never eat them. Surprise!.

Groundnuts can be enjoyed raw, roasted, boiled and fried, Whichever way you choose to prepare your groundnut, just make sure you enjoy every moment of it.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
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Book your Appointment at:http://sunrisenaturopathy.com/Ayurvedic.html

Thursday 5 November 2015

Health Benefits of Dates

Health Benefits of Dates
Health Benefits of Dates

Top 10 Health Benefits of Dates

Dates can provide lot of health benefits. Dates are high in iron content and fluorine. Dates are rich source of vitamins and minerals. Consuming dates regularly can help to lower cholesterol and keep many health disorders away. Read on to know more about the top 10 benefits of consuming dates.

The health benefits of dates are innumerable. It is, in fact, a dry fruit that is sweet in taste and is rich in minerals and vitamins. The cultivation of dates can be traced back many years in history. Have a quick look at top 10 health benefits of dates.

Health Benefits of Consuming Dates

1.Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat. Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals.
2.They are rich source of protein, dietary fiber and rich in vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B5 along with vitamin A1 and C.
3.It helps improve the digestive system as it contains soluble and insoluble fibers and different kinds of amino acids.
4.Dates are great energy boosters as they contain natural sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose. To get more advantage add dates to milk and make it a very nutritious snack. Dates are very low in calories and are extremely suitable for health conscious people.
5.Dates are rich in potassium and reduced in sodium. This helps regulate a healthy nervous system. Researches have revealed the fact that potassium intake up to a certain extent can reduce risk of stroke. Dates also help in lowering of the LDL cholesterol.

6.Dates have high iron content and are very useful in treating anemia. The patients can eat many dates for better advantages.
7.Dates also have fluorine that slows down the process of tooth decay.
8.It helps people suffering from constipation. Soak dates overnight and take it along with water to have added advantage.
9.It helps increase one’s sexual stamina. Soak one handful of dates in goat’s milk overnight. In the morning grind the dates in the milk and add honey and cardamom powder and drink it.
10.Dates help in weight gain and are beneficial for those who suffer from over slimming problem. Dates are excellent for alcoholic intoxication.
11.Cures abdominal cancer. The best thing is that it does not have any side effect on the body and is completely natural as well as it works better than medicine. It also helps in improving eye sight and helps in curing night blindness as well.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
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and many more.

Book your Appointment at:http://sunrisenaturopathy.com/Ayurvedic.html

Wednesday 4 November 2015

The Benefits of Raw Turmeric

The Benefits of Raw Turmeric
The Health Benefits of Raw Turmeric

Health Benefits of Raw Turmeric

Turmeric has long been used for its digestive, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. The primary compounds to which turmeric's benefits are attributed are curcuminoids and volatile oils, explains the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. While raw turmeric has many purported benefits, it's important to note, as the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine does, that research is ongoing, and little current scientific evidence to support them.

1.Digestive Tract Benefits
The curcumin content of turmeric triggers bile production, which is believed to help the digestive system, explains the University of Maryland Medical Center, or UMMC. Turmeric may ease the symptoms of indigestion and alleviate heartburn. The National Institutes of Health, or NIH, adds that turmeric may provide relief from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome as well, and UMMC states it may boost the remission of ulcerative colitis, a form of inflammatory bowel disease. Turmeric may help treat stomach ulcers too, according to NIH, which also cautions that high doses can be counterproductive, further irritating the stomach.
2.Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
Anti-inflammatory agents in turmeric may be useful in relieving symptoms associated with rheumatic conditions, according to NIH. Turmeric is sometimes used as part of the course of treatment for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It may help with the pain and loss of mobility from these conditions. Turmeric may also be useful for treating uveitis, a form of eye inflammation, states UMMC.
3.Preventing Heart Problems and Stroke
Turmeric may help prevent heart disease, heart attack and stroke with its effects on some key risk factors of these three conditions. It may help stop atherosclerosis, the buildup of arterial plaque, according to UMMC, and it may help prevent blood clots, according to NIH. Additionally, NIH cites the lowering of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol levels, as a possible benefit of turmeric.
4.Cancer Protection
Turmeric may help prevent, manage and treat various forms of cancer, including skin, breast, prostate and colon cancer, according to UMMC. However, it points out that evidence has only been found in test tube and animal studies so far. The antioxidant properties of turmeric are believed to be at least partially responsible for its anti-cancer activities.
5.Other Benefits

Turmeric may help regulate blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes, according to UMMC. Its ability to boost bile flow may also be useful in gallstone prevention, says NIH, which adds other possible benefits. These include liver protection and help in the treatment of HIV, scabies and viral infections.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
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Book your Appointment at:http://sunrisenaturopathy.com/Ayurvedic.html