Monday 16 November 2015

Health Benefits Of Dates Or Chhuhara

Health Benefits Of Dates Or Chhuhara
Health Benefits Of Chhuhara

Health Benefits Of Chhuhara in winters

The entire date tree is very useful. All its parts are used in some form or the other.Dates are used as food. They may be consumed as they are or may be stuffed with almonds, walnuts, cream cheese, lemon peel etc. They can also be chopped and added to a variety of dishes. Date nut bread is a popular type of cake. Dates are also processed into spreads, syrups, paste, cubes, powder, vinegar etc.

The date palm is tapped for palm wine, jaggery and palm syrup. The young leaves are cooked as a vegetable. The flowers are also edible. Finely ground seeds are used to make bread by mixing it with flour.

Date seeds are also used as animal feed. The leaves find use in making huts, mats, baskets, fans etc. Date seed oil is used in soaps and cosmetics. The leaf sheaths are used for making ropes, rough cloth, hats etc. The fruit stalk is used as fuel.

Nutritional Benefits Of Dates

Dates are easily digestible and since they contain simple sugars, they provide instant energy. They are rich in dietary fiber and tannins. They also contain antioxidants beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.
They are an excellent source of sulphur, phosphorus, iron, are rich in potassium, calcium, manganese, copper and magnesium.
They have decent amounts of B Complex vitamins and Vitamin K.

Health Benefits Of Dates

Dates can help get rid of alcohol intoxication. Just drink water in which dates have been previously soaked for few hours.
Dates work as an aphrodisiac. Soak 8 to 10 dates in goat milk at night. Next morning blend them together in the milk. Add a tsp honey and a pinch of cardamom powder and drink.
Dates alleviate depression and also enrich breast milk. Therefore they should on the list of healthy foods for lactating mothers.
Dates are useful for pregnant women as well as they strengthen the uterine walls. They aid in easy delivery and reduce bleeding too.
A paste made of honey and dates is useful in controlling diarrhea and dysentery in children.
Dates counter body weakness. eating 7 dates will provide about 70 mg calcium, 35 mg phosphorus and 7 mg iron.
2 dates given to children at night to eat for some days will stop their habit of bed wetting.
In old people who have frequent urges of urinating eating 2 dates daily or 1 date at night with milk will benefit by reducing this frequency.
For voice that has gone hoarse, at bedtime eat 1 date that has been boiled in milk and then drink this milk. Ensure that you do not drink water for 2 hours after this. It makes the voice clear.
Dates are useful in relieving respiratory distress. As they are hot in nature they bring out phlegm and are beneficial to the chest and lungs. Boil 2 to 3 dates in milk till they are soft.. Eat the dates and drink the milk.
Dates and milk help to increase weight. Soak 2 dates in milk. blend when soft. Drink this milk to increase weight and strength.
The seeds of dates cure styes. Grind the seed of 1 date with water and apply on the affected spot 2 to 3 times daily.
For headache relied, grind 1 date seed with water and apply it on the forehead for relief.
Taking 2 dates everyday is beneficial in breaking kidney stone as well as relieving one of backache as well.

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