Saturday 1 August 2015



How is a Heart murmur Diagnosed

Heart Murmurs are sounds which occur due to Turbulent flow of blood in the heart. The causes of these Murmurs could be Narrowed and/or leaking valves, holes in the heart, obstruction of flow of blood due to narrowed arteries etc. Some time these Murmurs may occur in absence of organic heart disease and are commonly associated with Anemia, Pregnancy, Thyroid problems and other Physiological state where increase blood flow situation is.

A Good clinical examination by stethoscope can analyses most Murmurs and can Quantity the disease process as well. However for confirmation of the clinical finding Echocardiography (ultra sound examination of heart) has become the gold standard for evaluation. There have been techniques like Phono cardiograph which was used in past but for all Practical purpose echo is the Technique and as far as Phono cardiograph is concerned it has been relegated into history and is redundant.

Physical activity is associated with consider ably lower risk of heart attacks for both men and women.Protection is lost when people stop exercising and conversely inactive people who take of exercise acquire lower risk of heart disease. The exercise which are good for Prevention are brisk walking, heavy gardening, Swimming, cycling.One world of caution exercises which are high resistance should be avoided for example heavy weight lifting.

2.Living foods sprouts

Sprouts are know a for their powerful nutritive and healing properties. You can eat sprout in large quantities. The more the better there are living food too, which means they will confer the benefits of enzymes and living food energy as well. Sprouts are an explosion of life.

Wonder food

Sprouts contribute to better health, from prevention to treatment of the life threat ending distance.Scientists have reinforced the benefits of sprouts various sprout varieties for their nutritional properties and to validate health claims.

Broccoli sprouts for one are well known to harbor powerful anti-cancer phyto chemicals far more powerful than any prescription drugs in fact. Broccoli sprouts are an important nutritional tool for anyone battling cancer and when combined with other super foods like chlorella. They can actually reverse cancer and in fighting cardiovascular disease.

Alfalfa sprouts contain significant dietary sources which help prevent mend pausal symptoms, Osteoporosis, cancer and heart disease .Clover sprouts too have anti-cancer properties lentil sprouts have a good amount of proteins.

Perhaps the greatest benefit to you though, is that performing the sun salute is a super stress buster. Your breath moves with your body in rhythmic tandem, so that your body and mind become realigned.

Sunflower sprouts are a rich source of vitamin D. It breaks down fatty acids into an easily digestible water-soluble form. Onion sprouts are a good source of vitamin A,D,C Moong bean sprouts are a rich source of protein vitamin A and C Soy bean sprouts are a rich source of protein, folate, Vitamin C and fiber. Beans and grains are a time honored way to get plenty of protein with low fat, high fiber and no cholesterol.


Sprouts are the only form of agriculture that can be locally grown and available in all seasons. In the sprouting process starches are converted to simple sugars, thus making sprouts easily digested. The use of sprouts in digestive disorders, Muscular cramps, hair and skin problems have been very well known.


Ever wondered way sprouted seeds remain much of an enigma as far as their benefits are concerned well, Because they are so completely natural require no processing and easy on the pocket.Sprouts bear the largest reactive amount of nutrients per unit of intake of any food known to man. They have enough first quality proteins to be classified as “Complete”. Many sprouted seeds such as those of alfalfa and sunflower contain all the essential amino acids in there “Free” state which means that more nutrients reach the cells with less food.

Sprouting increase the vitamin content of a seed Dramatically the vitamin C value of wheat increase 600 percent in the early sprouting period. Sprouts contain more vitamin C than oranges in a discovery A vitamin known for its success in cancer therapy was found to increase over a 1000 percent in the sprouted seed. Enzymes, Considered the key to longevity are greatly activated in the sprouting process. The absence of enzymes produces that “tired” run down feeling”. Sprouts are the best “Living Food”. In Fact they are so alive that they are still growing when you eat them.

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