Saturday 8 August 2015

The wrinkle battle

ayurvedic wrinkle health tips
Ways to fight it out with wrinkles

The wrinkle treatment

Many things improve with time wine; cheese the value of real estate and taste of pickles, to name of few. Unfortunately skin isn’t one of them. As skin ages, it naturally loses some of its elasticity and resiliency which causes the formation of wrinkle. In the early twenties and thirties, the wrinkles are more dynamic, which are only caused by temporary action and hence also referred to us expression lines.

The wrinkles that make their appearance first are crow’s feet around the eyes and the frown lines on forehead. Lines on the neck appear much leter.ageing does not spare other parts of the body like hands feet, elboe, knees which also get their share of wrinkles with age. The key point in fighting these wrinkles is prevention and following guidelines theat will help keep them at bay. However, some people are genetically prone to early wrinkling ad for them there are more advanced option like medications lasers or surgery.

According to Ayurveda, every human being is a unique phenomenon of cosmic consciousness,manifested through the five basic elements— Ether,Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Vata—a combination of ether and air, pitta—a combination of fire and water, and kapha—a combination of water and earth, are called the tridosha. These are the three humors or the three organizations of the body, which are also derived from consciousness. Each individual constitution or psycho-somatic temperament is determined by the relative proportions of these three doshas at the time of fertilization. When the embryo is formed, the constitution is determined. There are seven basic constitutions with one or more doshas predominant according to Ayurveda. They are: vata, pitta or kapha predominant, vata-pitta, pitta-kapha or kapha-vata predominant and vata-pitta-kapha in equal balance, a rare occurrence.

Lifestyles re-look

Exercise, good sleep and a well balanced diet helps a lot. Exercise not only increases blood supply to skin, it also causes the release of certain chemicals and hormones in the body that helps fight ageing. 6-8 hours sleep is a must for skin rejuvenation. Infect, the sleep posture is also important.

For example, never sleep on your sides of flat on stomach as this will produce shearing forces on the facial skin which will aggravate wrinkles. The best posture to sleep is flat on your back. Use a thin soft pillow for maximum comfort. A nutritious well balanced diet depending on your age and daily requirement is the best option to fight wrinkles. Certain color foods also have anti-ageing benefits. For example green and purple fruits have more antioxidants and hence are good for skin.


There are certain aggravating factors for skin ageing which should be detected and rectified, for example the wrinkles around eyes called crow’s feet often result from squinting when suddenly exposed to very bright light, So one way to avoid them, or lessen their severity is to wear dark color sunglasses before you step out into bright light.


Various multivitamins antioxidants and other nutritional supplements depending on your age and skin requirements should be taken on daily basis. Coenzyme Q10, beta-carotene,, vitamin A,C, an E and sea extracts are good anti-ageing supplements. One should try and incorporate as much of these supplements in the diet.


Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 toxins, many of which are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and are taken by the blood right into the structure of your skin. Cigarette smoking causes the blood vessels at the top layers of the skin to contract thereby reducing the oxygen level in these layers. This further causes thickening of blood which reduces the collagen level in the skin leading to premature wrinkles and skin pigmentation, typically called the ‘smoker’s face’.


Photo-ageing occurs over a period of years improve repeated exposure to sun; the skin loses the ability to repair itself. Repeated ultraviolet exposure brakes down collagen and impairs the synthesis of new collagen. The skin ceases to spring back and becomes loose and wrinkled much earlier. Sun screen application is the single most important measure to prevent photo-ageing and use of sunscreen with above 25 SPF is a must.

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