Wednesday 30 September 2015

Body work with Assorted Benefits

Body work with Assorted health Benefits
Body work with Assorted Benefits

Body work with Assorted health Benefits

Nauro Strural Bodywork is a therapy beneficial for people suffering from different aliments.

Neuro-structural bodywork or also the known for the acronym NSB,  is a form of deep tissue massage that he works to realign and reposition various structures and tissues in the body to a increase ease of movement,  reduce pain and help the body function in a more le efficient manner overall.  It focuses on Bo fascia release, which loosens tension in and properly aligns fascial tissue including ligaments, tendons, connecting the tissues between the muscles and the pr muscles themselves.  By releasing these muscles and tissues neuro-structural ref body work puts all of the parts of the body co system into proper alignment, allowing the the entire body to function efficiently and often reducing or even eliminating chronic pain.

It is considered as a somatic therapy.  are Neuro-structural bodywork integrates not so only physical elements of the human body nat but also emotional and spiritual elements.  co In some cases,  neuro-structural bodywork fro is used in conjunction with psychotherapy co to facilitate emotional release that occurs along with reintegration therapies used by the psychiatrist.  Stress and other emotional issues can manifest as tightness of in various areas of the body, such as the shoulders or lower back.  Somatic therapies help to treat the physical effects of stress or strong emotions by treating the physical elements to remove this l a chronic tension or misalignment and to t help the patient become aware of how s the tension manifests in order to prevent o a recurrence.


Bowen Neuro-structural Bodywork is a dynamic,  remedial,  deep-muscle therapy It uses a series of specific moves allowing the body initially to become relaxed providing a window of opportunity for M e various spinal,  cranial and autonomous  reflexes to be activated leading to a comprehensive and lasting resetting of  the whole body.release it. All negative emotions may be dealt with in this way. Ayurveda teaches that through awareness all negative emotions can be released.

Another technique used in neuro-  structural bodywork is neuromuscular education,  in which parts of the body that are unable to move normally are treated t so that they can move more freely and y naturally.  Neuromuscular -education is commonly used with patients who suffer k from cerebral palsy to help them gain y control over their movement,but it also s can help those who don't have major d neurological problems.  Neuro-structural h can restore normal range t of motion to those whose function is as impaired by stress tension,  tight muscles s body misalignment or other chronic  problems.

Beneficial in different conditions d to The therapy can be beneficial to almost how any individual who is seeking out for went a good treatment that is gentle,  safe and highly effective in doing what it was designed to accomplish.  Through the manipulation of the deep muscle tissues a nerves,  skeletal system,  and fascia of the human body,  the therapist is able ing to provide complete treatment on the ed,  various health problem of any individual for Neuro-Structural Bodywork is commonly ous used on patients who are in need of a movement education through the of neuromuscular motion training technique that addresses restrictions both on the   nervous system and muscle groups of   the body.  Most of the patients are those hat with cerebral palsy and individuals who ed had suffered injuries from accidents and traumatic experiences in their life.  is can also gain great benefits from the therapy and can be used as a part of so their regular medical care in maintaining a healthy system.

The therapy can be added to their health regime in order to take achieve the optimum performance of their body is during the activities of their respective s,  sports.  The therapy also restores postural integrity which can be lost due to the pressure being exerted and the constant strenuous activities encountered by the human body.  It is also a good way of relieving tension and fatigue after an exhausting day from workout.  It will surely be a great stress reliever especially after a very tiring and energy draining day at work.

The elderly population can also benefit from the therapy's strengthening program and its aim of maintaining good health.  Most of the seniors are experiencing joint and disc problems that are associated with aging.  Neuro-Structural Bodywork is one of the ideal techniques to be used on such cases as it is safe and effective at the same time for people with fragile physical integrity.

In some cases, where stress or tension create muscle spasms that affect nearby nerves,such as in some forms of back pain,  neuro-structural bodywork can reduce tension to the extent that patients might be able to avoid surgery for the condition.  It also can help patients who are receiving other forms of treatment,  such as chiropractic care or physical therapy,  by helping the body adjust more easily.  Neuro-structural bodywork also can help produce better,  more efficient results from exercise because it places the body into proper alignment,  thus increasing the body's efficiency overall.  As a form of bodywork or massage therapy,  neuro-structural bodywork should be practiced by licensed professionals for the best results.

If you are after an alternative for the modern medical care that is much more intensive as compared to the natural treatment, then you should try Neuro Structural Bodywork.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
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Monday 28 September 2015

Bergamot Oil Essential health benefits

Bergamot Oil Essential  health benefits
Soothe all your problem with sweet and fresh smell of oil

Ayurvedic health benefits of Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot oil is made from the cold H pressed peel of the citrus A Citrus aurantium,  also known as co the bergamot orange.  Bergamot has a A rather controversial history.  Some say it d originates from Northern Italy,  taking its gi name from the small town of Bergamo in where it was discovered.  It is a tropical in plant but thrives well in Europe too.

This is one of the popular scents in m Th aromatherapy, often used in perfumes and skin care products.  Bergamot essential oil se is sweet, spicy, fresh and warm.  It has a in reputation as a pleasing citrusy scent, but ab it is also powerful medicinal oil.  Bergamot de possesses a range of beneficial aroma lo molecules which are absorbed into the R bloodstream through either the skin or the olfactory nerves.  Additionally,  bergamot is one of the most versatile essential oils,  as ne not only does it have sedative qualities,  he but also stimulating as well.

Health benefits:

Anti depressant& Stimulant:  The a components of Bergamot Oil, like l a Alpha Pinene and Limonene,  are anti t depressant and stimulant in nature.  They b s give a feeling of freshness,  joy and energy f in cases of sadness and depression by improving circulation. They also stimulate r hormone secretion and thus help b n maintaining proper rates of metabolism S d This stimulating effect increases S secretion of digestive juices,  bile and a a insulin,  thereby aiding digestion,  proper t absorption of nutrients,  assimilation and t decomposition of sugar and the resultant a a lowering of blood sugar level.

Relaxant & sedative

Bergamot oil are very good relaxant the s too.  They soothe nerves and reduce of s nervous tension,  anxiety,  stress etc.  and ser hence help cure ailments associated with stress such as sleeplessness,  high blood all pressure etc.

Anti Biotic &  Disinfectant Certain components of the essential oil of Bergamot are anti biotic and disinfectant in nature.  They inhibit growth of germs, virus and fungi.  They also effectively prohibit infections, such as those of skin.  If regularly used with bathing water or in soaps(this is already used extensively in skin care soaps,  the skin and hair remains protected from infections and become shiny.

Anti Septic:

The same disinfectant and antibiotic properties of Bergamot Oil make it a good anti septic and agent.  It not only helps fast healing up of wounds, cracks on skin and heels, ulcers, eczema,  itches etc.  but also protects wounds from being septic and developing tetanus.


Febrifuge is a substance or he an agent that reduces fever and lowers body temperature.Bergamot is a good due to many reasons.  First,  being an anti biotic,  it fights infections from virus,  bacteria and protozoa which by cause fever,  such as influenza(virus),  malaria(protozoa)  and typhoid(typhus ate bacteria),  and thus helps curing fever m.Second,  it stimulates the metabolic system and secretions,  thereby giving nd a feeling of warmth and resulting in more secretion(perspiration or sweat)  med from the glands(sweat glands)  ant and sebaceous(sebum)  glands,  thus reducing body temperature.

Pain Killer:
It reduces the feeling of pain in the body.  Actually it stimulates secretion of certain hormones which lessen nd sensitivity of nerves to pain.  Thus it is very th helpful in case of headache, sprains etc.  d all those symptoms which require heavy dosage of analgesic pills.
As discussed above, it activates and increases secretions of the digestive acids,  enzymes and bile and facilitates digestion.  It also synchronizes or regulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines and this way too, help in digestion.
  Reduce Scars: 
This property of Bergamot oil is the reason behind its extensive use in cosmetics,  skin-care products such as beauty soaps,  creams,  lotions etc.  is a property or an agent which helps the scar and other marks on the skin to disappear.  It also makes the distribution of pigments and melanin even and uniform, resulting in the fading away of marks. 
Anti Episodic:  
It relaxes nerves and muscles and thus gives quick relief in a cramps,  convulsions,  painful muscle contractions etc.  Vermifuge:  It kills worms.  Thus it is going to of be a very fragrant choice for children who kidn have worms.  It can also be applied on the affected tooth or used as a mouthwash Safe to kill oral germs and protect teeth from This cavities.
It kills worms.  Thus it is going to c be a very fragrant choice for children who k have worms.  It can also be applied on the affected tooth or used as a mouthwash to kill oral germs and protect teeth from T cavities.
 Other Benefits:  
ln vapor therapy,  bergamot T oil can be used for depression,  feeling fed-up,  respiratory problems colds and flu,  PMS and SAD.  be used in blended massage oil,  or diluted in a bath to assist with stress,  tension,  SAD,  PMS,  skin problems,  compulsive eating, postnatal depression colds and flu,  ja anxiety,  depression,  feeling fed-up and sa anorexia nervosa.  It also cures infectionso of colon,  intestines,  urinary tract and o kidneys.
Safety Information:  
This essential oil is phototoxic, which means it increases the effect of sunlight.  ot Therefore,  never apply bergamot to skin na before exposure to sun.  Additionally,  do s not apply neat on skin;  must be diluted in ed a carrier oil or cream.  Not recommended for use if pregnant.  o Bergamot blends well with orange essential oil,  mandarin,  ylang-ylang,  u jasmine nutmeg,  rosemary,  and nd sandalwood

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
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Saturday 26 September 2015

Revitalize with Acupressure

Revitalize with Acupressure
Revitalize with Acupressure

Alleviate your muscles with acupressure by the hoshino therapy

Hoshino Therapy is a form of massage therapy that was invented in order to cure muscle pain and dysfunction.  The therapy incorporates acupuncture techniques in its massage.  The therapy believes in preventing a condition rather than curing it.  It is also considered to cure various physical conditions of all severities.  Whenever there is a physical ailment such as joint pain, arthritis, osteoporosis and many more, the muscles and the tissues of the affected area tend to harden or swell.  In order to relieve such condition,  it is extremely important to get rid of the hardening or the swelling.

Acupuncture plays a very important role in Hoshino therapy.  Acupuncture believes that there are over 2000 e pressure points on our body that are t e connected to our every internal body part 2 Hoshino therapy specialists diagnose the s patient and concentrate on the affected n part by applying pressure on various f points.

History of Hoshino Therapy

Hoshino Therapy was developed by d Tomezo Hoshino.  This type of therapeutic s massage was first used in 1940s by its or developer who was an acupuncturist himself.  Tomes Hoshino designed and e improved the healing technique at the top of a mountain during his quest to heal his bursitis in his shoulder.  After his success,  e he began to teach other therapists the s techniques used in this massage therapy.

suraj: Hoshino Therapy is an official e therapy in Argentina.  It is a particular t.  Form of acupressure recognizing e 250 acupuncture pressure points corresponding to the bio-mechanical functioning of the In this system full hand contact is applied as well as the traditional pressure of the first joint of the thumb. Hoshino therapy is an oriental form of massage therapy that uses acupressure on acupuncture pressure points to soften muscle groups all over the body.  It focuses on releasing tension on stiff muscle tendon, and ligament.  It is suitable for people who are after maintaining healthy physical condition and for prevention of medical problems in the future.  However, it can also be used for treating certain types of medical conditions including chronic and acute muscle pain.

Hoshino Therapy is superior to conventional forms of treatment because it has combined principles of acupuncture with highly refined hand therapy for the solution of problems related to arthritis without organic complications and non- traumatic disc

How does it work?

Hoshino Therapy works from a model of wellness.  The therapist learns how the human body is designed to work as a perfectly smooth and graceful coordinated machine.  The goal is to locate the source of the disequilibrium that is almost never the symptomatic area and restore the function and normal flow of movement between all the involved parts.  The result is that the pain or other symptoms disappear.

Benefits of Hoshino Therapy

There are many benefits that can be received from having sessions of this therapeutic massage.  Hoshino therapy's success is due to its effective and fast acting results through numerous benefits and positive effects on the patient's body.  However,  it is popular not only because of its effectiveness but also because it specializes on treating arthritis.  It is a condition where the patient suffers from the hardening of muscles, ligaments, and tendons that causes body pain if not treated.  Hoshino therapy was basically designed with the objective of addressing arthritis problems among the patients.

The manipulation of the required proper amount of pressure on the various pressure points always results in a successful massage session.  During a massage session, the therapist uses heat and finger pressure on the 250 pressure points to treat various medical conditions.  Among these conditions are sciatic nerve pain, tendinitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain,  frozen shoulder,  sports injuries,  joint and neck pain,  and many more.  Most especially,  this therapy uses quality massage techniques in treating chronic and acute body pain.  After massage sessions,  the patient can expect a great relief from all sorts of body pain including the relief from emotional stress and tension.

Since the hands are the only “instrument"  used in the therapy,  the obvious advantage is its low cost.  No drugs, x-rays, diagnostic tests or hospitalization is required. In addition, there are no side-effects or trauma to the patient.

Aside from those medical benefits, Hoshino therapy also improves the posture.  Regular visit can also improve immunity against sickness and disease.  Blood and oxygen circulation are also improved with every sessions of this massage therapy.

This therapy gives all the effects and benefits for total body wellness, however there are also risks and contradictions that should be considered before getting this therapy. Hoshino Therapy is all about providing a solution to the many types of soft tissue issues and joint pain and disability commonly associated with a is a wonderful strategy for reducing pain rehabilitating one's body and keeping aging at bay.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvdic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

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Friday 25 September 2015

7 Herbs Used In Ayurveda That Destroy Cancer

Ayurveda herbs for Cancer
Ayurveda herbs for Cancer

Ayurveda herbs for Cancer treatment

Numerous Ayurvedic texts speak of ways to treat cancers of the colon and digestive system. Two texts which were written around 700 BC are classic wisdom from the sister science of yoga – the Charakaand Sushruta Samhita. Both are suggested as being an imbalance in one of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) which describe general physiological states in people throughout the world. Once the doshas are returned to balance, then cancer and other diseases disappear from the body.

The following 7 herbs are used in Ayurveda to bring balance to the doshas, helping to minimize or completely eradicate colon cancer.

Swine flu is transmitted from person to person by inhalation or ingestion of droplets containing virus from people sneezing or coughing; it is not transmitted by eating cooked pork products. The newest swine flu virus that has caused swine flu is influenza A H3N2v (commonly termed H3N2v) that began as an outbreak in 2011. The "v" in the name means the virus is a variant that normally infects only pigs but has begun to infect humans. There have been small outbreaks of H1N1 since the pandemic; a recent one is in India where at least three people have died.

1. Ashwagandha

Due to being an adaptogen, this herb is used for literally hundreds of ailments in Ayurvedic medicine. It ‘intuits’ where your body needs support and provides it. Ashwagandha increases our resistance to stress while increasing energy levels, freeing up the body’s systems to scavenge rouge cells.
According to research conducted on the herb, ashwagandha helps in the slowing down of the growth of the cancer cells and inhibits the growth of tumor cells without harming the good cells.

2. Garlic

Numerous double-blind studies have shown that garlic is a powerful herb for treating cancer. Naturopaths have been using raw garlic, and even garlic juice or soups, to treat cancer for ages. Garlic has even proven to kill brain cancer cells (in addition to colon cancers) without harming healthy cells, and with no side effects. Add some onions and broccoli, and you’ve got a cancer fighting power-house.
It is also a staple of the Ayurvedic herbal medicine cabinet. Check out the health benefits of garlic, here.

3. Green Tea

Green tea isn’t just a social grace, but a healing remedy for colon and other cancers. Not only does it inhibit the formation of cancerous cells, but the catechin polyphenols within can even kill cancerous cells without harming healthy cells. By drinking green tea regularly, you can eradicate colon tumors while they are in their most infant stages.

4. Celandine

A member of the poppy plant family, celandine has been known to treat colon cancer as well. It also boosts the immune system so that cancer and other disease never have a chance to develop. Further, the herb treats diseases like asthma and atherosclerosis.

5. Aloe Vera & Apple Cider Vinegar Fasts

While these two herbal remedies act together primarily as a means to cleanse the colon, thereby eliminating toxins which could accumulate in the digestive tract causing disease, they are also great anti-inflammatory agents.

The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) cannot be understated. It helps with candida overgrowth (also shown to contribute to many cancers) and lowers blood glucose levels. Aloe Vera juice has been shown to help people who have tried numerous pharmaceutical meds – folfox, xeloda, avastin and other chemotherapies to no avail.

6. Ginger Root

An Ayurvedic staple, ginger is used in many Indian dishes. Inflammation markers that have been earlier proved in clinical research as precursors to colon cancer can be reduced significantly by the consumption of ginger powder or ginger roots. A powerful anti-inflammatory, ginger soothes and heals the digestive tract, and therefore has been suggested as one of the best home remedies for the treatment of colon cancer.

7. Turmeric

If you haven’t heard of this herb by now, you’ve likely been living under a rock. The compounds in Turmeric can heal just about anything. Curcumins found in turmeric roots cause colon cancer cells to self-destruct. Astounding results were found when testing turmeric’s ability to destroy cancer cells at the Department of Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Sure, you can turn to chemotherapy for your colon cancer, which causes your hair to fall out, your insides to feel like they won’t stop being regurgitated, and your energy to be completely devastated. You can also try invasive surgery – all for the bargain basement price of several to twenty thousand dollars.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvdic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

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Thursday 24 September 2015

Deep tissue massage therapy

Deep tissue massage therapy
Deep tissue massage therapy in Indian tradition

The alternative ayurvedic treatment of Deep tissue massage therapy

Deep tissue massage therapy is Dee similar to Swedish massage,  but ther the deeper pressure is beneficial laye in releasing chronic muscle tension.  The It is focus is on the deepest layers of muscle and tissue,  tendons and fascia.  Deep Tissue low Massage focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue.  It is designed to reach the deep sections of thick muscles specifically the individual muscle fibres.

Using deep muscle compression and ten friction along the grain of the muscle,  Hots the purpose of Deep Tissue Massage is to unstick the fibres of the muscles and release both toxins and deeply held or(band tension points.  Specific hand positions and strokes are used to respond tend to various tissues while breath and Adhe movement techniques are employed to caus release muscular congestion.

It is effective in relieving osteoarthritis Dee pain than physical therapy,  exercise,  brea prescription medications chiropractic,  pain acupuncture,  diet,  glucosamine and do it over-the-counter drugs.  It helps to dire loosen muscle tissues,  release toxins acro from muscles and get blood and oxygen circulating properly.  It is both corrective Will and therapeutic.  It is beneficial for many At C physical problems,  including sports mos injuries and chronic pain.  Because it pain works very deeply,  emotional issues can It is in also be addressed,  when these have when been stored in the body.

Different types of therapy

Panchakarma treatment

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

“Pain Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue.  It is especially helpful for chronically tense cle and contracted areas such as stiff necks low back tightness,  and sore shoulders.  ers Some of the same strokes are used ach as classic massage therapy,  but the les, movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of and tension and pain.

How Does Deep Tissue Massage Work?

When there is chronic muscle tension cles or injury,  there are usually adhesions to held(bands of rigid tissue)  in muscles,  Ons painful,  ond tendons,  and ligaments. Adhesions can block circulation and d to cause pain,  limited movement,  and inflammation.Deep tissue massage works by physically cise,  breaking down these adhesions to ctic, pain and restore normal movement.  To Th and do this,  the massage therapist often uses aft to direct deep pressure or friction applied su XinS across the grain of the muscles.

Will Deep Tissue Massage Hurt?

At certain points during the massage Be orts most people find some discomfort and pain use can It is important to tell the massage therapist usu ave when things hurt and if any soreness Sud or pain you experience is outside your comfort range.Deep tissue.  Massage works by nse physically breaking s down adhesions the to relieve pain and ure restore normal movement.  To do SIOn this,  the massage ons therapist often uses les,  direct deep pressure and or friction applied and across the grain of the muscles.

There deep Deep day or so.  The massage which it or should ice pain to is but therapy,stiffness Massage applying some Tissue massage tissue massage,  the recommend massage a is classic within after of usually may after subside therapist the Benefits Unlike area a used for relaxation,  deep tissue massage usually focuses on a specific problem, such as:

 Chronic pain
 Limited mobility
 Chronic pain
 Limited mobility Recovery from injuries(e.g.  whiplash,  falls,  sports injury)  
 Repetitive strain injury,  such as carpal tunnel syndrome 
 Postural problems
 Ostearthritis pain
 Fibromyalgia 
 Muscle tension or spasm

At sunrise Ayurvedic hospital we also offer a number of luxury treatments.


Massage therapists may use fingertips,  S knuckles,  hands,  elbows,  and forearms Th during the deep tissue massage.  Client clie has to breathe deeply as the massage stre therapist works on certain tense areas.  fad It is important to drink plenty of water to flush metabolic waste from the tissues Few after the massage.


Massage is not recommended for certain people:
Infectious skin disease,  rash,  or open Very wounds, Musc Immediately after surgery Immediately after chemotherapy or releas radiation,  unless recommended by strea your doctor,People with osteoporosis should may consult their doctor before getting a nause massage Prone to blood clots.  There is a risk will it of blood clots being dislodged.  If you flushir have heart disease, check with your.Doctor before having a massage.

Pregnant women should check with h their doctor first if they are considering getting a massage,  Massage in pregnant women should be done by massage therapists who are certified in pregnancy massage,Massage should not be done directly over bruises,  inflamed skin,  unhealed wounds,tumors,  abdominal hernia,  or areas of recent fractures.

Side effects:


This is closely related to the soreness ent client may feel the day or so after a age strenuous workout.  It is normal and it as,  fades.


Few people report a headache after a deep tissue massage.  This may be due to the fact that this form of massage therapy rtain stimulates the nervous system.  Certain people react differently to this stimulation.


Very few people feel mild nausea.  Muscles build up toxins,  which cause the or stiffness and pain.  Deep tissue massage releases these toxins back into the blood d by stream to be eliminated.  As the digestive system is loaded with these toxins,  some ould may be more sensitive and feel slightly ng a nauseous.  The best way to combat this is through drinking lots of water.  Not only a risk will it help flush out the toxins,  but the f you flushing will prevent them from settling in your your muscles again.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvdic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

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Tuesday 22 September 2015

How to Increase a Low Platelet Count Naturally

How to Increase a Low Platelet Count Naturally
How to Increase a Low Platelet Count Naturally

How to Increase a Low Platelet Count

A low platelet count, medically known as thrombocytopenia, is a health disorder in which your blood has a lower than normal number of platelets.
Platelets are the smallest of the blood cells that aid in blood clotting by forming plugs in blood vessel holes. The platelets circulate in the blood with an average lifespan of 5 to 9 days.
A normal platelet count in a healthy person ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microlitre of blood. When the count is below 150,000 per microlitre, it is considered a low platelet count.

There are three possible causes of low platelet count:

Presence of platelets in the spleen due to cancer or severe liver diseases. This causes a decrease in the number of platelets in circulation.
1.Reduced production of platelets due to leukemia, some types of anemia, viral infections, exposure to toxic chemicals,
2.chemotherapy drugs, heavy alcohol consumption and deficiency of essential vitamins like vitamin B12.
3.Increased breakdown of platelets due to autoimmune diseases, reaction to medicines, bacterial infection in the blood, pregnancy and health problems like idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).

The telltale signs of a low platelet count are easy or excessive bruising, prolonged bleeding from cuts, spontaneous bleeding from the gums or nose, blood in urine or stools, and skin rashes due to superficial bleeding into the skin.


Women may experience unusually heavy menstrual flows. People with low platelet counts may also complain of malaise, fatigue and general weakness.
With certain lifestyle changes and some easy-to-follow home remedies, you can quickly improve your platelet count and live a healthy life. Continue any of these remedies until your platelet count is restored to normal. If the problem is severe then consult your doctor.

Here are the top 10 ways to increase a low platelet count naturally.

1. Papaya
Both the papaya fruit and its leaves can help increase a low platelet count within just a few days. In 2009, researchers at the Asian Institute of Science and Technology in Malaysia found that papaya leaf juice can increase the platelet count of people diagnosed with dengue fever.
Eat ripe papaya or drink a glass of papaya juice with a little lemon juice 2 or 3 times daily.
You can also pound a few papaya leaves without the stalk using a pestle and mortar to extract the juice. Drink 2 tablespoons of this bitter juice 2 times a day.

2. Wheatgrass

According to a 2011 study published in International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences, wheatgrass can be beneficial in increasing platelet count.
In fact, it can produce significant increases in hemoglobin, red blood cell, total white blood cell and differential white blood cell counts. This happens because wheatgrass is high in chlorophyll with a molecular structure almost identical to the hemoglobin molecule in human blood.
Simply drink ½ cup of wheatgrass juice mixed with a little lemon juice daily.

3. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is another helpful food to improve your low platelet count. It is rich in vitamin A that helps support proper platelet development. It also regulates the proteins produced in the cells, which is important to raise the platelet level.

In ½ glass of fresh pumpkin juice, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink it 2 or 3 times a day.
Also, include pumpkin in your diet by adding pumpkin puree to soups, stews, smoothies and baked goods.

4. Spinach
Spinach is a good source of vitamin K which is often used to help treat low platelet disorder. Vitamin K is required for proper blood clotting. Thus, it reduces the risk of excessive bleeding.
Boil 4 or 5 leaves of fresh spinach in 2 cups of water for a few minutes. Allow it to cool, and mix in 1/2 glass of tomato juice. Drink it 3 times a day.
Also, enjoy this green vegetable in salads, green smoothies, side dishes or soups.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

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Monday 21 September 2015

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Goat Milk

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Goat Milk
Goat Milk Benefits According to Ayurveda

Goat Milk health Benefits According to Ayurveda

Goat milk has many health benefits. Goats have lean built, Goats do not drink much water, do a lot of physical activities and eat grass and plants that are pungent, hot and bitter in taste. These qualities of goat gets attributed to Goat milk, according to Ayurveda. Hence goat milk has its own special importance in Ayurveda.

Goat Milk Benefits:

Goat milk is best suited for dry and emaciated patients.
Goat milk improves digestion.
Goat milk is useful in respiratory disorders. Hence, For patients with respiratory diseases, it makes sense to chose goat milk over cow milk and buffalo milk.
Goat milk is beneficial in bleeding disorders.
For those having mild diarrhea or who defecate more than twice a day, goat milk is beneficial.
Goat milk is not very coolant effect over the body.
Goat milk improves breast milk production.
Among those substances that relieve emaciation, improve breast milk, blood production, absorbant (useful in IBS) and bleeding disorders, goat milk is the best. (Reference – Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 25)

Goat milk is

Grahi – absorbant, bowel binding
Laghu – light to digest
and it is useful for persons suffering from Raktapitta (a diseases characterized by bleeding from various parts of the body), diarrhea, Kshaya – emaciation, coughing and fever.

Ayurvedic medicines with goat milk as ingredient:

Kumkumadi tailam – Used for acne, scar, blemishes.
Pinda Thailam – Used in the treatment of Gout.
Saraswata Ghrita – Used in treating children with neurological developmental disorders.
Somanatha rasa – Used to treat frequent urination.
In Gout, ointment made of ghee, the powder of Godhuma – wheat and goat’s milk is prescribed.v

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvdic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

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Friday 18 September 2015

Fight Menopause with Yoga

Fight Menopause with Yoga
Fight Menopause with Yoga

Fight Menopause with Yoga for Women's

The term Retirement normally means cessation of work.  Any male or female,works in any Industry/ office, gets retired from his/  her work after completion of 58 years of his/  her age.

The word"menopause was coined specifically for human females,  when there is end of fertility.  It literally means"end of monthly cycles",  originated from of the Greek word pausis(cessation)  and that the root men(month).  Menopause ends capability of Uterus to conceive.  This early condition occurs in the midlife of every few woman anytime between the ages 45 to 50 years depending upon various reasons.  Monthly cycle of menses ends after menopause.  The transition from a reproductive to a non-reproductive resulting reduction in hormonal production by the ovaries menopause can be officially declared in  adult woman;  be has an intact uterus pregnant,  is declared not officially who is can lactating,  who Menopause not when there has been absence of any menstruation for about one complete year.

Immediate menopause or surgical menopause is the result removal of uterus along with ovaries irrespective of age.  However,  it has been observed that the cases of an early or premature menopause among the women in their early 30's has been emerged in recent few years.  One or more reasons behind this disorder are as under:

 Stress
 Smoking
 Drinking
 Excessive
 manual work
 Long travel to work
 High Body Mass Index
 Certain diseases
 Treatments like Chemotherapy
 Radiation etc. 
 Genetic factors

We have to remember that menopause ive is not a sudden condition.  The syndrome ed may last from six months to a year or ure even for more period.  A woman may heir suffer with one or more symptoms during ent this period.  This varies from woman to mind woman as per her body constitution.

Symptoms Of Manopause

 Irregularity of Monthly Cycle
 Excessive or less menstrual flow
 Excessive sweating Hot flushes
 Fatigue
 Excessive urination
 me Incontinence of urine
 Decay of Genitourinary tissues
 Swelling&  tenderness in breasts
 Vaginal Dryness or Infection
 Dryness of Skin How
 Anxiety,  Depression e
 Osteoporosis
 Palpitation
 Headache or Backache
 Increase in weight
 Pains in Joints
 Disturbed Sleep.
 Hypertension
 Secretion of important hormones in orga females like Estrogens& Progesterone How reduces drastically after menopause.

These problems can be managed wi through regular consultations of a Gynaecologist;  who usually applies thu Hormone Replacement Therapy along with other medicines.

During this period a woman needs more psychological support from her family or members mainly from her husband,  in-  T laws,  and children.  She craves for their you emotional support&  understanding stre rather than only medication to deal with Ho this vicious circle.  The feeling of someone cares for her creates miracles of healing.Va Hormone Replacement Therapy may can result in ill effects at the end of the day.However,  Hypnotherapy,  Hobby How Therapy,  Yogic Therapy definitely proves To effective Regular practices of following yoga therapies will reduce the effects of menopause: .

Deep Breathing/  Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama&  Meditation:  Keeps Blood pressure within its healthy limits help to combat Anxiety&  Depression.

For Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama, breathe in from one nostril whole and breathe out from other and practice the same vice-versa for 15 min to 30 min..Pashchimottanasana&  Shashankasana:  They are the best options to improve functions of internal organs within Pelvic area.

Pashchimottanasana,sit on floor ed with legs stretched out in front.  Hold.C a thumbs of both legs with the help of Ay es thumbs of your hands and index finger.  eni ng Exhale bend in forward direction by keeping both legs straight in posture and"A try to place elbow on sides of legs on wit ore floor.  Now inhale and get back to normal mily or starting position.  in-  To perform Shashankasana,  first lower if y heir your head as you sit on your heels.  Now disc ing stretch your arms forward on the floor.  with Hold for at least 5 breaths and relax.  one Vajrasana&  Padmasana These asanas may can prevent damage of knees.  bby How to do ves To do Vajrasana;  start with knees,  wing ankles and big toes touching the ground, take a kneeling position.  Sit on your heels and place palms on the knees. 

The Spine should be erect and breath should be deep.  Draw the abdominal region inside and expand the chest. .Shavasana Yoga Nidra:  lt works better than sleeping pills without any ill effects.  How to do and To derive benefits of Shavasana,  clear the a clean floor a six-foot circumference on Lay a blanket or yoga mat down.  Lie on your back on the blanket or a mat.  Lay your arms 1-2 feet away from hips,  with palms up and arms extended.  Separate knees 2 feet apart,  with legs extended.  Use pillows or other props to support you and make the pose more comfortable.  Breathe deep into the belly.  Hold Combination of Diet,  Panchakarma from p of Ayurveda,  Aroma Therapy will certainly nger enhance&  speed up results.acupuncture also  without any side effect.  However,  one should not ignore the early alarming psycho-  somatic signals;  if you want to avoid lifetime complicated disorders.  It is important to not keep a"let go"  attitude for such symptoms.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

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Thursday 17 September 2015

Ayurveda Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)

Ayurveda Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)
Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)

The fruit Chiku has an exceptionally sweet and delicious flavour along with lots of nutritional values. Chiku is one of the best fruits to provide quick energy as Sapodilla is loaded with fructose and sucrose and regarded as a natural boosting energy food.

This sweetie fruit is the store house of many nutrients, which is good for well being. The Chikoo, which is botanically known as Manilkara zapota is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin A, C and E, copper, iron, etc.

Top 15 Benefits of Chikoo

Health Benefits of Chiku (Sapodilla)
1.Chiku is rich in dietary fibre, may be used as a good natural laxative. Being having adequate fibre, it helps to aid in digestion thus relieves from indigestion and constipation.
2.The anti-inflammatory properties of tannins present in Chikoo reduce the chances of erosive gastritis, enteritis, irritating bowel and reflux-esophagitis and gastric disorders.
3.Sapodilla protects the inner lining of the mucous membrane of colon from carcinogenic toxins.
4.Chiku contains Tannin, a powerful antioxidants that acts as anta-acid and contend free radicals. Tannins are effective against many diseases ant acts as anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic.
5.Chiku is endowed with minerals such as potassium, copper, iron, folate, niacin, and pantothenic acid which are good for many metabolic body activities.
6.Sapodilla is having vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex. These vitamins and antioxidants boost immunity of the body and also good for hair and skin.

7.Vitamin E in Chiku has a chemical compound alpha-tocopherol that might reduce the risk of developing heart diseases.
8.Vitamin C helps to improve your immunity and also protect you from gout and cataracts. Vitamin C, also good to provide shining skin.
9.The presence of vitamin is beneficial for vision. It also helpful for lungs.
10. Boiled Semi-liquid of Chico skin may be given to children to control loose motion. The ingredient is also beneficial in case of fever.
11.Eating of Chico helps to relieve from congestion and cough. It is known as expectorant removal.
12.Sapodilla is diuretic in nature, good in removal of waste products from the body by frequent urination. It helps in water concentration thereby prevents water retention.
13.Chikoo is good for lactating mother due to essential nutrients and carbohydrate. It helps in pregnancy by overcoming nausea and dizziness.
14Sapodilla has enough calcium, phosphorous, and iron. These nutrients are helpful in strengthening of bones.
15. When the crushed seeds of Chikoo are eaten, it helps to remove kidney and bladder stones because of its diuretic in nature.

Sapodilla Nutritional Values and Facts

Sapota is an easily digestible fruit. Due to presence of simple sugar and other compounds, it helps to revitalizes the body by replenishing energy. The nutritional facts of Chiku in 100 grams of the fruit are as: Calories (141 Kcal), Fat (1.9 grams), Carbohydrate (34 grams), Dietary Fibre (9 gram), Protein (0.75 gram), Water (132.6 grams), Calcium (35.7 mg), Iron (1.36 mg), Magnesium ( 20.4 mg), Phosphorous (20.4 mg), Potassium ( 328.1 mg), vitamin C (24.99 mg), Niacin (0.34 mg), Pantothenic acid (0.43 mg), Folate (23.8 mcg), Vitamin A ( 102 mg), Vitamin E (0.43 mg)

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
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Tuesday 15 September 2015

14 Effective Ayurvedic Tips For Hair Growth

14 Effective Ayurvedic Tips For Hair Growth
Ayurvedic Tips For Hair Growth

Effective Ayurvedic Tips For Hair Growth

Nowadays, many people rely on Ayurvedic remedies for treating common problems. It is true that this traditional practice has numerous power packed secrets that can help you with many troubles. Flaunting gorgeous hair is no exception. Ayurvedic treatment for hair growth has always been around but it is only recently that we have adopted these remedies. While relying on such a time-proven methodology, expect nothing but best results, because the problems are corrected from the inside and not the outside alone.

Ayurvedic Principals for Hair Care and Hair Loss:

Ayurvedic research on hair growth is extensive and well structured. This strong foundation provides Ayurvedic practitioners effective reasons behind excessive hair fall and the ways to reverse it which in turn results in consistent hair growth. According to Ayurveda, hair type is directly related to body type and is systematically classified into three categories; Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each hair type has its own distinct features and hence there are multiple reasons for hair loss which vary from person to person.

According to Ayurveda, hair is nourished by the nutrient plasma that is derived from the food that you eat. However; certain foods have a negative effect and cause excess Pitta Dosha meaning heat in the body which is the chief reason behind excess hair loss. Apart from Pitta Dosha, other reasons for hair loss according to Ayurveda are hormonal imbalance in men and women, stress, lack of sleep, improper diet, intoxicating substances, dandruff or fungal infections and diseases like lupus or diabetes amongst others. Ayurvedic hair regrowth solutions addresses these core issues promoting hair regrowth.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Hair Fall:

Here are 10 best ayurvedic tips for hair growth:
1. Bhringaraj – The king of Herbs:
This herb is also known as king of herbs in ayurveda for hair because it has the property to enhance hair growth. All you need to do is make a paste out of the leaves and apply it on the scalp for some time before washing it off. Some people do not have easy access to this herb, thus, you can grab a pack of dried Bhringraj, steep 5-6 tbsps in warm water and apply the paste for 20 minutes before washing off. Doing this on a regular basis promotes hair growth.

2. The Aromatic Jatamansi:

A common name for this herb in ayurvedic medicines for hair growth is Muskroot or the Indian Spikenard. It has the power to remove blood impurities as well as give a glowing complexion. You can either consume it in the form of capsule (sticking to not more than 6mgs) or applying it directly on the scalp.

3. Methi – Miracle Herb:

Methi is a commonly used herb in our households, an excellent remedy for hair growth. Grind some slightly dry roasted methi, make a paste of it in warm water depending on hair length and keep it on for 20 minutes before washing off.

4. The Indian Goose Berry:

Better known as Amla or Amlaki, this ayurvedic solution for hair fall helps in treating indigestion and purifies the blood. It is also rich in Vitamin C, which solves many hair problems from within. Grab dried /powdered Amla has to be mixed with warm water and used on the scalp to promote thick and black hair. It also imparts colour and solves other problems.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
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ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
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Saturday 12 September 2015

Ayurveda therapy for shoulder pain

Ayurveda therapy for shoulder pain
Ayurvedic therapy for shoulder pain

Ayurveda therapy treatment for shoulder pain

A frozen shoulder can be caused due to heart or lung problems and also diabetes, especially in people aged over 40 years. It is more common in women, says Dr K Sudha Asokan. According to ayurveda , a frozen shoulder is known as Ababahuka . It is pure vata roga. Vitiated vata dosha absorbs the fluid (kapha ) of the joint causing Ababahuka .

Sign and symptoms shoulder pain

Stiff , painful shoulder with progressive limitation of movement begins gradually and worsen over time . Pain often worst at night and when lying on affected side. Patient has difficulty with normal daily tasks Usually occurs on one side. It can spread to the other shoulder . Happens mostly to people in their 40s, 50s and 60 s. More common in women .

Causes of shoulder pain

May be due to synovitis , rupture of capsule or a lesion in muscle complex round the joint , specially in the supraspinatus . There may be history of trauma , arm immobilized in a specific position for long .Heart or lung problems can be linked to shoulder pain . Cardiac surgery could lead to frozen shoulder . Diabetes is a common associated condition .

Ayurveda treatment for shoulder pain

If frozen shoulder caused by secondary group , Panchkarma and Kerala therapy are very effective . Ayurveda treatment aims to bring vitiated vata in equilibrium . Most popular Kerala therapy is pizhichil (squeezing of medicated oil with the help of cotton cloth all over the body along with massage ).
Elakizhi : Special herbal pack massage with pizhichil gives strength to the muscle and improves the shoulder mobility .

Nasyam : Popular panch karma therapy for all urdhvajatrugata roga .
Duration :
7,14,21 days therapy course depending on the severity of symptoms along with oral medicines for 3-4 months .

Other Treatment

A careful clinical examination is necessary as many diseases are often present with musculoskeletal symptoms .
Physiotherapy .
Anti-inflammatory drugs .
Injection of steroid into the joint in order to reduce inflammation .
Nerve block a short term pain relief option .
Surgery if the above fails .

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
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and many more.

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Friday 11 September 2015

Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthama

Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthama
Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthma

Asthma Treatment

Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by episodes of acute branchocontriction causing shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, wheezing and rapid respirations, which is influenced by multiple genetic developmental and environmental factor, that affect over 300 million people around the world and one in four urban children. Alternative approaches to asthma management include different systems of medicine like Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Naturopathy. The different systems of medicine excludes allopathic medicine are preventive, alternative therapies for curing asthma, but for short term immediate relief allopathic medicine is the only answer.


An acute asthma attack is caused by inflammation in the airways of the lungs, causing contraction and narrowing of the airways (bronchioles), restricting airflow and making breathing very difficult where as Chronic asthma is a lung condition characterized by frequent asthma attacks and requiring medical management to prevent and minimized acute attacks.

Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) is a limited form of asthma in which exercise triggers coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath. This condition generally occurs in children and young adults, most often during intense exercise in cold dry air.

Symptoms are generally most intense for 10 minutes after exercise and then gradually subside. EIA is triggered only by exercise and is distinct from ordinary allergic asthma in that it does not produce a long duration of airways activity, as allergic asthma does.


The most common things in the environment that triggers asthma leads to asthmatic are exercise allergens, irritants, and viral infections.
Allergens like Animal dander (from the skin, hair, or feathers of animals), Dust mites (contained in house dust), Cockroaches, Pollen from trees and grass and Mold (indoor and outdoor).
Irritants like Cigarette smoke, Air pollution, Cold air or changes in weather, Strong odors from painting or cooking, Scented products, Strong emotional expression (including crying or laughing hard) and stress.
Others like Medicines such as aspirin and beta-blockers, Sulfites in food (dried fruit) or beverages (wine), A condition called gastro esophageal reflux disease that causes heartburn and can worsen asthma symptoms, especially at night, Irritants or allergens that you may be exposed to at your work, such as special chemicals or dusts and Infections.


 Wheezing: When breathing out is nearly always present during an attack. Usually the attack begins with wheezing and rapid breathing, and as it becomes more severe, all breathing muscles become visibly active.
 Shortness of breath (dyspnea): Shortness of breath is a major source of distress in asthma patients, although severe dyspnea does not always reflect a serious attack or reduced lung function.
 Coughing: In some people the first symptom of asthma is a nonproductive cough
 Chest tightness (pain): Initial chest tightness without any other symptoms may be an early indicator of a serious attack.The neck muscles may tighten, and talking may become difficult or impossible. Chest pain occurs in about three quarters of patients; it can be very severe, although its intensity is not necessarily related to the severity of the asthma attack itself.
 Rapid heart rate and sweating
 The end of an attack is often marked by a cough that produces thick, stringy mucus. After an initial acute attack, inflammation persists for days to weeks, often without symptoms.


1) AYURVEDA MEDICINE Asthma, known as “Tamak-Shvasa” in ancient Ayurvedic science. The main Doshas (humors) involved in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma are Vata (air) and Kapha (water). According to Ayurvedic symptoms due to these two Doshas are: Coryza, dysnoea (breathlessness) & wheezing characterized by acute condition and causing great affliction to the vital breathe. On account of the force of the paroxysm the sufferer faints, coughs and becomes motionless. Owing to the inability to expectorate, one feels greatly and after expectorating the sputum, one feels comfort for while. The throat is afflicted with sputum and can hardly speak. The person is not able to sleep while lying flat in his bed, because Vata (air) humor presses upon both sides. The person is not finds comfort in sitting posture and craves only hot things. With eyes wide open, there’s sweating on the forehead, dry mouth and breathing is easy, then once again respiration becomes violent. These paroxysms are intensified by cloudy, humid and allergic & cold environment as well as by Kapha (water) increasing foods.


Herbs used as an asthma natural remedy for natural treatment. From a natural healing point of view, asthma reflects the health of the lungs, adrenal, nervous and immune systems. This means that long term solutions must involve treatment of the adrenal glands,lungs, nervous and immune systems.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
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and many more.

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Thursday 10 September 2015

Chair Massage Treatment-Sit back and relax

Chair Massage Treatment
Chair Massage

Chair Massage Treatment

The pleasures and benefits of massage are not unknown.  Wouldn't it be good to experience this therapeutic touch a genera more often to overcome the problem of daily stress massage Enjoy this inexpensive and quick chair massage to turn a stressful morning into a calm and productive day.

What is a chair massage?

Chair massage is a style of seated massage that is typical short 10 or 15 minutes and focuses on your back,  shoulders and neck and arms.  Chair massage is done over clothes and doesn't help require any massage oil.  It is also called on-site massage or seated massage.  It's a great way to work out muscle tension before it turns into a spasm.  For chair massage,  you are seated special chair with your face resting in a cradle,  looking down towards the supports for your arms.  back and neck completely your relax while the therapist relieves muscle tension using Swedish massage moves compression and , which don't require oil.

When do you need a chair massage?

Do you feel stressed each day  Do you feel overloaded or confused and unable to make decisions  Do you experience on the headaches or mental fogginess  Do you work at a computer for hours,  talk on the telephone and type. The solution for all these problems is Massage.  Massage helps cure physically, mentally and emotionally.

The effects of chair massage are both immediate and the f cumulative.  This means that even a 12-13 minute massage Palm can smooth brain activity allowing for increased concentration, greater mental clarity and speed,  improved productivity and a generally more peaceful and happier disposition.massage allows time to slow down and reconnect with yourself Often,  solutions to problems simply come into your mind when you finally relax.  The effects of massage increase over time and should be seen as part of health maintenance,  as a luxury Having a massage regularly helps reduce muscle tension and can sometimes take care of a problem that would have required medical attention.  Adding on to it, regular chair massage can help identity potential major problem areas early Chair massage is designed specifically to relax the muscles and improve circulation and movement within the body.  chair massage also has several psychological functions as well.  The e floor philosophy of chair massage is to help you take control your own health After the chair people are often overwhelmed by their sense of well-being.

History of chair massage

Massaging someone while they are seated certainly has been going on since humans first began to massage each other Ancient block prints in Japan show ancient healers massing on their patients who sat on low stools.  Many early for modalities included at least some techniques where the all these was in a seated position.  Seated massage has been used centuries.

  In 1986David Palmer,  massage therapist incalifornia,  design te and the first chair for chair massages massage Palmer popularized the concept of chair massage with   article A Brief History of Chair Massage.

Aspects of chair Massage

One of the most crucial aspects of chair massage is establishing of and defining one's expectations.massage is not a strenuous process,  but you will be screened for any aspects that could complicate the procedure,  such as having recent heart surgery or uncontrolled diabetes. Pregnant women will also want to avoid getting a chair massage.

As the massage begins,  the practitioner does several things to ascertain the level of comfort.  After settling into the chair,  which strange is purposefully designed to evoke a nurturing fetal position,  practitioners will a pressure test with their fingers on though different parts of your back.  This is the first chance control feels re direction of the massage.

The practitioner will continue to solicit throughout the session.  Allowing the client to answer by voice or simple hand gestures.  After all,  different parts of your back will likely respond better or worse to different levels of pressure.

By talking during the session,  the practitioner is turning attention chair i towards awareness of body.  Chair massage is not creating a of that dependent relationship,  but allowing recipients to take control many me of their own sensations inside their body .

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
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and many more.

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Wednesday 9 September 2015

Ayurvedic Cure for Malaria

Ayurvedic Cure for Malaria
Ayurvedic treatment of Malaria

Malaria Fever-an viral disease

In Ayurveda, malaria is known as Vishama Jwara. Malaria is the most common infectious disease of the world today. This is also the main variety of intermittent fever which has a tendency to return or recur again. It is transmitted by mosquito bites; it can spread very rapidly and become an epidemic. If treatment is neglected, Malaria can be a fatal disease. It is found all over the world.


The female mosquito bites the malarial patient. The male mosquito does not contain the parasite which causes malaria. If the blood of an infected person is transfused into the body of a healthy person, or if syringes and needles are used commonly, malaria can spread since malaria is a condition of the blood. The most common symptoms of malaria are:-
1.-The first symptom is a high fever. The fever is accompanied by chills which become more at nighttime.
2.-A day or two before the actual fever, the patient may feel headache, pain in the body and limbs.

A severe malaria attack has three stages.

THE COLD STAGE – It begins with a feeling of intense chill even if the weather is very hot and also the temp keeps rising in spite of the chill.
THE HOT STAGE – It comes on as the temp of the body rises. It begins with hot flushes which increase till the body starts feeling burning hot. Headache, dizziness, delirium and pain throughout the body may also be felt by the patient.
THE SWEATING STAGE – This stage begins when the fever has reached its highest point. It begins with very high sweating and the body temp gradually reduces. With the temp, the dizziness, headache and pain also reduce.


Depending upon the parasite which causes malaria, it can be of three types.
1.-QUARTAN FEVER – In this there is an intermission of two days before the next attack.
2.-TERTIAN FEVER – In this fever, the attack occurs on alternate days.
3.-MALIGNANT TERTIAN MALARIA – This is tertian fever in severe form.


In case of remittent fever, the one which continues without decreasing, the following ayurvedic drugs are recommended.
1.-Vishmushtyadi Vati,Talam Bhasma,Karanjadi Vati
2.-Sarjika,Sudarshana Churna,Sphatika
3.-Karanja Churna,Jwarankusha,Tala Bhasma


Prevention from mosquito bites is very essential as this is the main cause of malaria. There should not be stagnant pools of water in the surroundings or they should be sprayed over with oil.


Solid foods should be replaced by a liquid diet. Green vegetables and fruits should be a major part of the diet and must be included in the post recovery stage.
Spicy and fatty foods should be avoided. Cod foods in the diet such as cucumber, orange, watermelons, banana, papaya etc. should also be avoided.

For many years Ayurveda flourished and was used by rich and poor alike in India and Southeast Asia. Sunrise health resort provides all Ayurvedic related treatment at resort. We have a professional team of natural treatment and they are expert in
ayurvedic treatment in jaipur
ayurveda panchakarma treatment in jaipur
ayurvedic therapies in jaipur
panchakarma treatment in Jaipur
Yoga Meditation Retreat in jaipur
and many more.

Book your Appointment at:

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Medicinal plants used in dengue treatment

Medicinal plants used in dengue treatment
Ayurvedic Medicinal plants used in dengue treatment

Dengue Fever-an viral disease

Dengue Fever is the most emerging viral disease in humans caused by arthropod-borne flavivirus named dengue virus (DENV). It is estimated that there are about 50 to 100 million cases of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever each year. This virus spread through the Aedes aegypti mosquito and it is transmitted in humans through the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they bite infected humans, and can later transmit the infection to other people. Dengue Fever (DF) is serious viral disease characterized by biphasic fever,headache, joint and muscle pain. The Primary symptom of the disease is dengue fever which is cured with in 5-7 days by self immune response. Secondary symptom is severe dengue hemorrhagic fever characterized by low level of platelets and blood plasma leakage and sometimes it is also called as Dengue Shock Syndrome.

Dengue Virus

Dengue virus is a single stranded RNA virus belongs to flaviviridae family and it was first isolated from Japan in 1942 by Hotta. The prevalence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades and is now spreads more than 100 countries. It is found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world predominantly urban and sub-urban areas. There are four different serotypes DENV 1, 2, 3 and 4 were identified belonging to genus flavivirus . The genomic RNA is approximately 11 kb in length. Dengue Virus is composed of three structural protein genes . First protein gene is Enveloped (E) protein found on viral surface, second protein is membrane (M) protein which is very important for formation of viral particles. Third protein gene is non structural (NS) proteins Received: 26 November 2013 Accepted: 12 December 2013 Online: 10 January 2014 which has seven subtypes. These NS proteins are believed to be involved in replication of viral RNA.

Medicinal Plants Used In Dengue Treatment

Herbal medicines play a major role in treatment of many diseases in humans and animals. Nowadays these medicinal plants have emerged as a unique approach to safe, effective and inexpensive new remedies for variety of diseases as they do not have adverse effects. Many natural drugs isolated from plants were showed good antiviral activity against Aedes aegypti mosquito. Several investigations were carried out on different plant extracts and few of them showed anti viral activity on dengue virus. In the present paper, we provided useful information about the plants which shows antiviral activity against dengue virus.

Treatment and Management of Dengue

There is no specific antiviral therapy is available for treatment of dengue. Treatment of Dengue Disease consisting primarily of intensive support therapy. Maintaining blood circulation and platelets level is the most important in the management of the disease. Symptomatic treatment of dengue is done using oral fluid administration and antipyretic treatment with paracetamol as recommended. Platelets transfusions are usually given to the dengue patients who develop hemorrhagic manifestation or have low platelets count.

What are the Ayurvedic, Natural, Home remedies for dengue?

1. Neem leaves, Neem Oil are a great purifying agent and should be applied on a damp warm cloth in dosages of between 15 to 60 grammes 2-3 times daily. It should be noted that usage should be restricted in both males and females seeking pregnancy.
2. Drink as much water as you can in order to replace fluid loss. It will also help to bring down body temperature.
3. Avoid eating solid foods until the fever is gone. You can replace the foods by drinking plenty of distilled water and/or juices.
4. The leaves of the coriander can be taken in the form of a tonic to reduce the fevers in dengue.
5. Kakamachi is syrup like product that can be consumed as a soothing, cooling drink that can expel negative toxins such as those that build up during an attack of dengue from the digestive system and ultimately purify it. A cup twice daily is the recommended dosage.
6. Fruits rich in vitamin C like amla (embellica officinalis) are advised as vitamin C helps in better absorption of iron.
7. Chyavanprash can be taken as it is an immunobooster, blood purifier and increases blood count.
8. Hogweed is used to bring down temperatures. Hogweed produces plenty of perspiration which flushes the toxins and brings the fever down.
9. The seeds of hermal are powdered and taken as either an infusion or as a decoctin to treat intermittent and recurrent fevers that are observed in dengue.
10. Boiled tulsi that is basil leaves served in a warm drink like tea can help prevent an outbreak of dengue. This bitter and pungent herb has all the properties that strengthen the internal system against fever.

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