Thursday 3 September 2015


AMBRETTE SEED OIL-An Medicinal Plant

AMBRETTE SEED OIL-an aromatic and medicinal plant

Ambrette whose botanical name is abelmoschus moschatus medic, is an aromatic and medicinal plant which belong to the malvaceae family. It is an evergreen tropical shrub native to India. The seeds of ambrette have a sweet. Flowery, heavy fragrance quite similar to that of musk. Despite its tropical origin the plant is frost hardy. The evergreen shrub grows well in India, china and Indonesia. It is used as a spice in the east, and as a musk substitute in perfumery. In India it is popularly known as mushkdana or kasturi bhendi.

Ambrette’s fully ripened; kindly shaped seeds are used to extract oil. The oil is extracted through steam distillation process. When ambrette uncrushed/whole seeds are distilled, a liquid essential oil is produced, the crushed seeds yield a solid (so called concrete), the latter oil is contains a high amount of palmitic acid. Ambrette oil is pale yellow, with an enchanting aroma described variously as sweet, rich, warm, musky, fatty and nutty, with floral overtones. After a short period of again, more complex notes can emerge, such as wine, brandy, fruits, and tobacco.

Ambrette is a perfumery base note like all musks. It has medium but persistent odour strength. Ambrette seed oil is very costly and rare as well. The reason is the availability of seeds and very small yield of oil.The oil yield from the ambrette seeds is of the order of 0.2% to 0.5% by total weight of the seeds. This explains how scarce ambrette seed oil is. In earlier times, ambrette oil was very popular for manufacturing high end luxury perfumes. Now day’s synthetic products have replaced it because it is so expensive.


The ambrette seed essential oil has excellent medicinal properties. It is therefore used by many aroma therapists. In aromatherapy, the ambrette seed essential oil is first diluted with good carrier oil such as olive oil. This diluted oil is used to massage specific areas of the body, depending upon the nature of aliment.



The sweet musky smell of ambrette oil is perfect for aromatherapies and so is preferred by various experts for stiff joints. After a massage with this oil, it is also recommended to add few drops in the hot bath tub and enjoy its benefits. Treatment for depression and anxiety: due to its divine aroma, ambrette seed of the oil is very useful in the treatment of depression and anxiety. The fragrance of the oil makes one feel cheerful and energetic. It induces positive thoughts and elevates the mood.


It has the great ability to improve the blood circulation. A regular massage with ambrette seed oil helps eliminate problems related to poor blood circulation.

A massage with ambrette seed oil gives immediate relief from spasms and other muscular aches.


Ambrette seeds oil is known as cure for many stomach ailments like indigestion, cramps, acidity and other stomach related disorders.

Other benefits of the oil:

It help to get rid of travel or motion sickness, headache, common cold, refresh tried feet, etc. the strong smell of the seeds makes the plant an ideal inhalant to alleviate hoarseness and a dry throat. The leaves and roots of the plant are helpful in treating gonorrhea and venereal diseases.

Like any other essential oil, ambrette seed essential oil is also very strong and should always be used only after dilution with some mild carrier oil. The oil is not good for internal use as it could be fatal. If you are suffering from liver problems or you are pregnant, then you should avoid using it. Consult the health care provider or a trained aromatherapy expert before using the oil.

The oil blends well with amyris, bergamot, carrot seed, cedarwoods, cognac, costus, frankincense, galbanum, peppermint and spruce.


The Arabian countries traditional add ambrette seeds to enhance flavor their coffee. The Chinese use the oil to treat headaches, and in Egypt it is used both to sweeten the breath and as an emulsion in milk to treat itches. In India, roots and seeds of ambrette are considered valuable traditional medicines. The bitter, sweet, acrid, aromatic seeds are made into a liquid tonic. In India and Malaysia, pounded seeds are used to perfume hair, while seeds are also placed between clothes to keep away insects. Seeds are burned as incense and used in making incense sticks. In the Philippines a decoction of the roots and leaves is taken as an emollient remedy for gonorrhea and rheumatism. In Indonesia pulverized seeds mixed with powder provide a useful remedy to treat prickly heat. In traditional Vietnamese medicine the plant is used as anti-venom and a diuretic.
The tuberous roots are sought after by the Chinese as a substitute for ginseng.

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