Friday 18 September 2015

Fight Menopause with Yoga

Fight Menopause with Yoga
Fight Menopause with Yoga

Fight Menopause with Yoga for Women's

The term Retirement normally means cessation of work.  Any male or female,works in any Industry/ office, gets retired from his/  her work after completion of 58 years of his/  her age.

The word"menopause was coined specifically for human females,  when there is end of fertility.  It literally means"end of monthly cycles",  originated from of the Greek word pausis(cessation)  and that the root men(month).  Menopause ends capability of Uterus to conceive.  This early condition occurs in the midlife of every few woman anytime between the ages 45 to 50 years depending upon various reasons.  Monthly cycle of menses ends after menopause.  The transition from a reproductive to a non-reproductive resulting reduction in hormonal production by the ovaries menopause can be officially declared in  adult woman;  be has an intact uterus pregnant,  is declared not officially who is can lactating,  who Menopause not when there has been absence of any menstruation for about one complete year.

Immediate menopause or surgical menopause is the result removal of uterus along with ovaries irrespective of age.  However,  it has been observed that the cases of an early or premature menopause among the women in their early 30's has been emerged in recent few years.  One or more reasons behind this disorder are as under:

 Stress
 Smoking
 Drinking
 Excessive
 manual work
 Long travel to work
 High Body Mass Index
 Certain diseases
 Treatments like Chemotherapy
 Radiation etc. 
 Genetic factors

We have to remember that menopause ive is not a sudden condition.  The syndrome ed may last from six months to a year or ure even for more period.  A woman may heir suffer with one or more symptoms during ent this period.  This varies from woman to mind woman as per her body constitution.

Symptoms Of Manopause

 Irregularity of Monthly Cycle
 Excessive or less menstrual flow
 Excessive sweating Hot flushes
 Fatigue
 Excessive urination
 me Incontinence of urine
 Decay of Genitourinary tissues
 Swelling&  tenderness in breasts
 Vaginal Dryness or Infection
 Dryness of Skin How
 Anxiety,  Depression e
 Osteoporosis
 Palpitation
 Headache or Backache
 Increase in weight
 Pains in Joints
 Disturbed Sleep.
 Hypertension
 Secretion of important hormones in orga females like Estrogens& Progesterone How reduces drastically after menopause.

These problems can be managed wi through regular consultations of a Gynaecologist;  who usually applies thu Hormone Replacement Therapy along with other medicines.

During this period a woman needs more psychological support from her family or members mainly from her husband,  in-  T laws,  and children.  She craves for their you emotional support&  understanding stre rather than only medication to deal with Ho this vicious circle.  The feeling of someone cares for her creates miracles of healing.Va Hormone Replacement Therapy may can result in ill effects at the end of the day.However,  Hypnotherapy,  Hobby How Therapy,  Yogic Therapy definitely proves To effective Regular practices of following yoga therapies will reduce the effects of menopause: .

Deep Breathing/  Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama&  Meditation:  Keeps Blood pressure within its healthy limits help to combat Anxiety&  Depression.

For Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama, breathe in from one nostril whole and breathe out from other and practice the same vice-versa for 15 min to 30 min..Pashchimottanasana&  Shashankasana:  They are the best options to improve functions of internal organs within Pelvic area.

Pashchimottanasana,sit on floor ed with legs stretched out in front.  Hold.C a thumbs of both legs with the help of Ay es thumbs of your hands and index finger.  eni ng Exhale bend in forward direction by keeping both legs straight in posture and"A try to place elbow on sides of legs on wit ore floor.  Now inhale and get back to normal mily or starting position.  in-  To perform Shashankasana,  first lower if y heir your head as you sit on your heels.  Now disc ing stretch your arms forward on the floor.  with Hold for at least 5 breaths and relax.  one Vajrasana&  Padmasana These asanas may can prevent damage of knees.  bby How to do ves To do Vajrasana;  start with knees,  wing ankles and big toes touching the ground, take a kneeling position.  Sit on your heels and place palms on the knees. 

The Spine should be erect and breath should be deep.  Draw the abdominal region inside and expand the chest. .Shavasana Yoga Nidra:  lt works better than sleeping pills without any ill effects.  How to do and To derive benefits of Shavasana,  clear the a clean floor a six-foot circumference on Lay a blanket or yoga mat down.  Lie on your back on the blanket or a mat.  Lay your arms 1-2 feet away from hips,  with palms up and arms extended.  Separate knees 2 feet apart,  with legs extended.  Use pillows or other props to support you and make the pose more comfortable.  Breathe deep into the belly.  Hold Combination of Diet,  Panchakarma from p of Ayurveda,  Aroma Therapy will certainly nger enhance&  speed up results.acupuncture also  without any side effect.  However,  one should not ignore the early alarming psycho-  somatic signals;  if you want to avoid lifetime complicated disorders.  It is important to not keep a"let go"  attitude for such symptoms.

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