Friday 4 September 2015

Ayurvedic Digestion

Ayurvedic Digestion
Ayurvedic Digestion

Ayurvedic Digestion Process

During the process of digestion each dhatu is supplied and nourished with refined nutrition to carry our physiological tasks in the body; what is left over becomes the waste product or mala. 

• Ahararasa, pure essence is refined, digested food; the waste becomes feces and urine.
• Rasa dhatu (plasma tissue) is supplied with the nutritive essence   of refined, digested food; the mala of rasa is mucus.
• Rakta (blood) is obtained from refined rasa; the mala of the blood is bile.
• Mamsa (muscle tissue) is formed from refined rakta; the mala of mamsa is excrement from the eyes, nose and ears.
• Meda (adipose tissue) is formed from refined mamsa. The mala from the fat tissue is sweat.
• Asthi (bone tissue) is formed from refined meda, the mala is body hair and nails.
• Majja (marrow) is formed from the refinement of the bone; the mala is tears.  
• Refinement of marrow produces shukra dhatu or artava dhatu for offspring. The mala is ojas.
• Refined ojas is the energy reserves of the body and generates no mala. It is decreased by: anger, fear, worry, sorrow,overwork, drugs, pollution and unhealthy food.
• Rasa and ojas forms a concentric circle that turns back on itself  to nourish the entire body and all the dhatus.


It takes approximately 35 days after food is ingested to go through all the dhatu levels.  Ojas is the essence of the seven dhatus and is created when shukra is properly formed from the action of all the dhatu agnis. 

If there is any malfunction in the process, ojas, will not receive proper nourishment as the preceding dhatus will obtain the nutrition first.  

The most important means of supporting ojas is maintaining a holistic lifestyle with proper diet, rest, exercise and meditation.   Ojas is responsible for physical and mental strength, inner and outer beauty, a powerful immune system and strong aura. 

The Malas

A mala is something that is to be excreted.  Malas can be excessive, deficient, or polluted.   There are three types of malas:
• urine
• feces
• sweat

The Srotas

Srota or srotasmi is another word for pathway or channel and is also described as “ducts.” There are 14 srotas that affect the physical structures:
• respiratory system  
• digestive system  
• water system (intake and distribution) 
  • lymphatic system  
• circulatory system
• muscular system  
• adipose system  
• skeletal system
• nervous system  
• reproductive system  
• sebaceous system
• excretory system  
• urinary system
• menstrual system
• lactation system
• mind – emotions, sensory impressions, thoughts

According to Charak, keeping the srotas free from obstructions is the key to health.  However, the srotas may ultimately be affected in the following ways:
• deficiency, weakness or too little of a substance  
• excessiveness, agitation or drainage  
• blockage of flow, obstruction, by passed
• overflow of substances that appear where they should not

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