Friday 11 September 2015

Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthama

Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthama
Ayurvedic Treatment of Asthma

Asthma Treatment

Asthma is a chronic lung disease characterized by episodes of acute branchocontriction causing shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, wheezing and rapid respirations, which is influenced by multiple genetic developmental and environmental factor, that affect over 300 million people around the world and one in four urban children. Alternative approaches to asthma management include different systems of medicine like Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Naturopathy. The different systems of medicine excludes allopathic medicine are preventive, alternative therapies for curing asthma, but for short term immediate relief allopathic medicine is the only answer.


An acute asthma attack is caused by inflammation in the airways of the lungs, causing contraction and narrowing of the airways (bronchioles), restricting airflow and making breathing very difficult where as Chronic asthma is a lung condition characterized by frequent asthma attacks and requiring medical management to prevent and minimized acute attacks.

Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) is a limited form of asthma in which exercise triggers coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath. This condition generally occurs in children and young adults, most often during intense exercise in cold dry air.

Symptoms are generally most intense for 10 minutes after exercise and then gradually subside. EIA is triggered only by exercise and is distinct from ordinary allergic asthma in that it does not produce a long duration of airways activity, as allergic asthma does.


The most common things in the environment that triggers asthma leads to asthmatic are exercise allergens, irritants, and viral infections.
Allergens like Animal dander (from the skin, hair, or feathers of animals), Dust mites (contained in house dust), Cockroaches, Pollen from trees and grass and Mold (indoor and outdoor).
Irritants like Cigarette smoke, Air pollution, Cold air or changes in weather, Strong odors from painting or cooking, Scented products, Strong emotional expression (including crying or laughing hard) and stress.
Others like Medicines such as aspirin and beta-blockers, Sulfites in food (dried fruit) or beverages (wine), A condition called gastro esophageal reflux disease that causes heartburn and can worsen asthma symptoms, especially at night, Irritants or allergens that you may be exposed to at your work, such as special chemicals or dusts and Infections.


 Wheezing: When breathing out is nearly always present during an attack. Usually the attack begins with wheezing and rapid breathing, and as it becomes more severe, all breathing muscles become visibly active.
 Shortness of breath (dyspnea): Shortness of breath is a major source of distress in asthma patients, although severe dyspnea does not always reflect a serious attack or reduced lung function.
 Coughing: In some people the first symptom of asthma is a nonproductive cough
 Chest tightness (pain): Initial chest tightness without any other symptoms may be an early indicator of a serious attack.The neck muscles may tighten, and talking may become difficult or impossible. Chest pain occurs in about three quarters of patients; it can be very severe, although its intensity is not necessarily related to the severity of the asthma attack itself.
 Rapid heart rate and sweating
 The end of an attack is often marked by a cough that produces thick, stringy mucus. After an initial acute attack, inflammation persists for days to weeks, often without symptoms.


1) AYURVEDA MEDICINE Asthma, known as “Tamak-Shvasa” in ancient Ayurvedic science. The main Doshas (humors) involved in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma are Vata (air) and Kapha (water). According to Ayurvedic symptoms due to these two Doshas are: Coryza, dysnoea (breathlessness) & wheezing characterized by acute condition and causing great affliction to the vital breathe. On account of the force of the paroxysm the sufferer faints, coughs and becomes motionless. Owing to the inability to expectorate, one feels greatly and after expectorating the sputum, one feels comfort for while. The throat is afflicted with sputum and can hardly speak. The person is not able to sleep while lying flat in his bed, because Vata (air) humor presses upon both sides. The person is not finds comfort in sitting posture and craves only hot things. With eyes wide open, there’s sweating on the forehead, dry mouth and breathing is easy, then once again respiration becomes violent. These paroxysms are intensified by cloudy, humid and allergic & cold environment as well as by Kapha (water) increasing foods.


Herbs used as an asthma natural remedy for natural treatment. From a natural healing point of view, asthma reflects the health of the lungs, adrenal, nervous and immune systems. This means that long term solutions must involve treatment of the adrenal glands,lungs, nervous and immune systems.

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