Wednesday 9 September 2015

Ayurvedic Cure for Malaria

Ayurvedic Cure for Malaria
Ayurvedic treatment of Malaria

Malaria Fever-an viral disease

In Ayurveda, malaria is known as Vishama Jwara. Malaria is the most common infectious disease of the world today. This is also the main variety of intermittent fever which has a tendency to return or recur again. It is transmitted by mosquito bites; it can spread very rapidly and become an epidemic. If treatment is neglected, Malaria can be a fatal disease. It is found all over the world.


The female mosquito bites the malarial patient. The male mosquito does not contain the parasite which causes malaria. If the blood of an infected person is transfused into the body of a healthy person, or if syringes and needles are used commonly, malaria can spread since malaria is a condition of the blood. The most common symptoms of malaria are:-
1.-The first symptom is a high fever. The fever is accompanied by chills which become more at nighttime.
2.-A day or two before the actual fever, the patient may feel headache, pain in the body and limbs.

A severe malaria attack has three stages.

THE COLD STAGE – It begins with a feeling of intense chill even if the weather is very hot and also the temp keeps rising in spite of the chill.
THE HOT STAGE – It comes on as the temp of the body rises. It begins with hot flushes which increase till the body starts feeling burning hot. Headache, dizziness, delirium and pain throughout the body may also be felt by the patient.
THE SWEATING STAGE – This stage begins when the fever has reached its highest point. It begins with very high sweating and the body temp gradually reduces. With the temp, the dizziness, headache and pain also reduce.


Depending upon the parasite which causes malaria, it can be of three types.
1.-QUARTAN FEVER – In this there is an intermission of two days before the next attack.
2.-TERTIAN FEVER – In this fever, the attack occurs on alternate days.
3.-MALIGNANT TERTIAN MALARIA – This is tertian fever in severe form.


In case of remittent fever, the one which continues without decreasing, the following ayurvedic drugs are recommended.
1.-Vishmushtyadi Vati,Talam Bhasma,Karanjadi Vati
2.-Sarjika,Sudarshana Churna,Sphatika
3.-Karanja Churna,Jwarankusha,Tala Bhasma


Prevention from mosquito bites is very essential as this is the main cause of malaria. There should not be stagnant pools of water in the surroundings or they should be sprayed over with oil.


Solid foods should be replaced by a liquid diet. Green vegetables and fruits should be a major part of the diet and must be included in the post recovery stage.
Spicy and fatty foods should be avoided. Cod foods in the diet such as cucumber, orange, watermelons, banana, papaya etc. should also be avoided.

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