Saturday 12 September 2015

Ayurveda therapy for shoulder pain

Ayurveda therapy for shoulder pain
Ayurvedic therapy for shoulder pain

Ayurveda therapy treatment for shoulder pain

A frozen shoulder can be caused due to heart or lung problems and also diabetes, especially in people aged over 40 years. It is more common in women, says Dr K Sudha Asokan. According to ayurveda , a frozen shoulder is known as Ababahuka . It is pure vata roga. Vitiated vata dosha absorbs the fluid (kapha ) of the joint causing Ababahuka .

Sign and symptoms shoulder pain

Stiff , painful shoulder with progressive limitation of movement begins gradually and worsen over time . Pain often worst at night and when lying on affected side. Patient has difficulty with normal daily tasks Usually occurs on one side. It can spread to the other shoulder . Happens mostly to people in their 40s, 50s and 60 s. More common in women .

Causes of shoulder pain

May be due to synovitis , rupture of capsule or a lesion in muscle complex round the joint , specially in the supraspinatus . There may be history of trauma , arm immobilized in a specific position for long .Heart or lung problems can be linked to shoulder pain . Cardiac surgery could lead to frozen shoulder . Diabetes is a common associated condition .

Ayurveda treatment for shoulder pain

If frozen shoulder caused by secondary group , Panchkarma and Kerala therapy are very effective . Ayurveda treatment aims to bring vitiated vata in equilibrium . Most popular Kerala therapy is pizhichil (squeezing of medicated oil with the help of cotton cloth all over the body along with massage ).
Elakizhi : Special herbal pack massage with pizhichil gives strength to the muscle and improves the shoulder mobility .

Nasyam : Popular panch karma therapy for all urdhvajatrugata roga .
Duration :
7,14,21 days therapy course depending on the severity of symptoms along with oral medicines for 3-4 months .

Other Treatment

A careful clinical examination is necessary as many diseases are often present with musculoskeletal symptoms .
Physiotherapy .
Anti-inflammatory drugs .
Injection of steroid into the joint in order to reduce inflammation .
Nerve block a short term pain relief option .
Surgery if the above fails .

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